OnActorBeginOverlap bind to many actors?

Hello guys, I have a problem with OnActorBeginOverlap.

I have created a fire tile(let’s call this tile #1) that does damage to player if collided. However, once I created multiple fire tiles, it doesn’t seem to work on other fire tiles except for tile #1. OnActorBeginOverlap seems to be binding to only 1 actor and not multiple. So definitely it comes to my mind that it is literally impossible to do the logic for all actors that I have(ie Imagine I have 1000 fire tiles would really be crazy iterate 1000 times, feels hardcoded and not feasible at all).

So, is there any way where OnActorBeginOverlap could bind all those actors together? Or is there an alternative way of doing this?

Thank you in advance!

Add a picture of your overlap event

So, is there any way where
OnActorBeginOverlap could bind all
those actors together? Or is there an
alternative way of doing this?

Many ways to do it depending on what the desired effect is supposed to be and where the data is supposed to go:

Too many unknowns here to advice precisely. The above may as well be a complete miss considering what Tuerer mentioned above.

You surely don’t want to set overlap events in the Level BP.

Option 1: Make a Tile BP that handles overlaps. Place Tile BPs into the level instead of just meshes and let them do their job.

Option 2: Let Character BP handle overlaps. Instead of having various tiles Cast to Character and deal damage, it all may be done internally.