On the problem of whether the material of the illusory mall can be used for business

English : I’m using Unreal Engine 4 to develop games. Because I don’t have so much time and energy to model and map myself, I’m interested in unreal mall. I want to ask: can the free materials in the virtual mall be used commercially? What about limited time free material? What about paid material? How to judge whether the material can be used commercially? Thank you!:slight_smile:

Note: machine translation is used in English, the results are not necessarily accurate.:o

Chinese : 我正在使用虚幻引擎4开发游戏,由于我没有那么多的时间和精力去自己建模、画贴图,所以我看上了虚幻商城。我想问一下:虚幻商城中的免费素材能否商用?限时免费素材呢?付费素材呢?如何判断素材是否可以商用?谢谢了!:slight_smile: