On Screen Virtual Keyboard UMG?

Is there a way to have an on screen virtual keyboard?
There is this https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/…rds/index.html
However I want to do the same but not in VR, rather in normal Widget Blueprint.
So if you are using a touch screen or a game-pad you can fill text boxes without needing a keyboard.
An Example:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDesyrK4ZSc 28th Second.


These are VR Examples by mitchemmc. One of them is a virtual keyboard and a web browser.
I tried putting the virtual keyboard in widget instead of actor, here is what happens.

I added print string so I can check whats going on. Actually, it prints on buttons press and release. However, I think the problem is it always gains focus not the text box. Even though I have the button not focusable. I also checked the buttons in the keyboard widget all have (is focusable) false.
What could be the problem??


This virtual keyboard I designed recently is a really easy and cheap solution. You can pretty much just add my input fields and implement with one step, or take it further and customize it how you want!