Both of my dapper hat packs are on sale for the next week
Pack 1 - 50% off
Pack 2 - 25% off
I must say I am greatly troubled by the fact that there is no dapper raptor hat in these collections XD
bump up while still on sale
Bought both packs. No clue what to do with them but it’s fun haha. Saw in your other thread you were looking for tips for more people to pick them up. I think the packs can be a bit bigger but that’s kind of hard if sales are low…Maybe next time have a bigger variation of items like: Night goggles - sci fi spartan soldier helmet - retro space helmet || V for vendetta like mask - Ski mask - Ninja mask || Roman general helmet - Egyptian ruler Helmet - Greek angelwings - Indian feather helmet || Exagerated bunny ears - Super saiyan hair ;p - Wolf head ||
I think that way you have a bigger chance of hitting a sale. Sci fi category - realistic category - history category - fantasy category. I’d buy packs like that for sure.
Depending on how my other packs sell when they are out, I may just stick to that asset type for a while
I have animation packs that have been approved but still no date for them
still on sale
updated the comparability listing to 4.17
Sale ending soon