On Projectile Stop and OnProjectileBounce dont get fired

I looked at the delegates in c++ but I can’t see anything extraordinary there.

It’s simply creating the StaticMesh
and setting it at the root.

My assumption here is that both delegates are no longer registered since you replace the root. Probably the reason why blueprints do not really allow you to do it in the first place.

Not too sure, though :expressionless:

I have an actor with ProjectileMovement Component and a StaticMesh component.
Static Mesh is the root of the actor.

The ProjectileStop and OnProjectileBounce events don’t get fired for me.

I can see my object bounce and come to stop but these events don’t fire in my blueprint at all.

Why is this happening?

They do in the fps template:

Image from Gyazo

Can you show how you’re checking it?


Check the collision settings. And I see that you’re inheriting the projectile, anything funky happening in the parent?

You should not be using physics with Projectile Component. If you do, the Projectile Component will not work.

If the updated component is simulating physics, only the initial launch parameters (when initial velocity is non-zero) will affect the projectile, and the physics sim will take over from there.

This feels very counter-intuitive,

True, but the Component is doing all the heavy lifting.

I have attached the Image for my Actor BluePrint.
StatciMesh is at the root.

No the ProjectileMovement Component is added through the BluePrint.
The static mesh is added from C++.

Nothing funky happening at C++ level. It’s simply creating the StaticMesh and setting it at the root.

The object itself is able to bounce around and projectile is working. It’s just that i never receive the events, so i can’t do anything when it stops

I think it has something to do with “Simulate Physics”.
When It is set to False, before I activate my projectile, I do get the bounce and stop events.
But if it is set to True, I don’t see the events.

This feels very counter-intuitive,

If you want physics hits, you can override on Component Hit it on the static mesh and enable Simulation Generates Hit Events:

And you can opt to generate wake events for physics to delegate when components trigger wake / sleep states.