Any help?
That worked thank you.
That was really baking my noodle
In the image below the UMG blueprint is working!
I click the button, move the window around and when i click the button again it stops following the mouse.
However when i disconnect the flipflop and On clicked event and connect the On Pressed and On Released button events (as shown with green dotted lines) it stops working. If i preview the blueprint while playing it still all fires off in exactly the same way but the window doesn’t move.
The intention is that i can click the button (and hold it down) and drag it around then when i release that button it will stay in place. like you would in windows or most other games where you can move the interface.
Can anyone shed some light on what I’m doing wrong here?
Any help appreciated. This is giving me a headache.
Your problem is in the Interaction configuration.
Go to the DESIGNER in the widget.
Go to Interaction section.
Expand the section.
Where it says “Click method” might say “Down and Up” but if you want to know all status, you might change to "Precise click"
Do the same for Touch method.
Let me know if it worked for you.
Nice to see your problem solved!
I’m gonna delete my post