Hi i’m trying to make a widget that when is dragget onto a specific floor actor it spawns another actor.
in the floor actor (tile) i put a event on begin over to get the position of the tile, i also set a boolean to tell the widget if i’m over it or not with the cursor.
in the widget blueprint i have the On Drag Canceled event that when the widget is released checks if the cursor is over the tile with the boolean.
The problem is that the boolean will be always false while dragging because the HoverBegin event doesn’t start while dragging. How can i make the event work while dragging? Thanks
Of course you might not want to do it all the time, only when dragging or only when releasing. It is your call but this is how you can go around the fact that OnBeginCursorOver and get the object under your cursor.
i added the function to the event tick node of my player controller but the node was not active while dragging, i tried adding a print string to it to see if it printed while dragging and didn’t, so i guess it has the same problem. for now i found another solution that does not involve dragging…