On KDE Neon/Plasma5 desktop, UE4Editor blocks ability to screen-cap

When trying to take a screen-shot of a rectangular region on my desktop using Spectacle, a screenshot capture utility that replaced KSnapShot, I can’t hit enter to take a snap shot, nore leave the region selecting mode with escape as they are being eaten by UE4Editor(?).

Steps to reproduce.

  1. Run a KDE Neon distro or a Plasma5 Desktop with Spectacle as its snapshot utility
  2. Start up UE4Editor
  3. Hit [PrtSc] (Print Screen) key.
  4. Set Area to “Rectangular Area”
  5. Click “Take a new screenshot” in Spectacle
  6. Select a rectangular area and try to hit [Enter] or [Escape] keys.

Expected result: Either take a screenshot or exit he rectangular selection mode

Actual result: Nothing happens, I have to [ctrl] + [Alt] + [F1] to go to a virtual terminal to killall -9 spetacle to get control back from spectacle since its locked in rectangular selection mode.

Hey -

It sounds as though there may be an issue between Spectacle and editor interaction. Can you try using KSnapShot or Shutter and let me know if the same behavior occurs? Additionally, what is the behavior of using spectacle outside of Plasma5 desktop?

Shutter works as expected, nothing wrong with it, KSnapShot is un-installable on my system, dependency issues. So it seems to be an issue with Spectacle only.

It seems to only appear if UE4Editor window is fullscreen, I shrank the window and I could escape and hit enter and escaped or taken a new snapshot. So I don’t really know whats up.

Were you able to try Spectacle outside of Plasma5 desktop? Do you get the same result if you use Spectacle with a different application in fullscreen mode?

Hey -

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
