On input event, disable collision between player and actor

I’d like to turn of all collisions between one player character and an actor group on input event.
Example: Player character collides with a wall when walking but passes through it when crouching.
I’ve already created an collision preset so that only actors with this preset are affected & tried to cast, disable collision to this presets actors. With no success obviously :frowning:
Important to mention is that there are multiple player characters which shouldn’t influence each others collisions.

I’m very new to UE and visual scripting & would appreciate any help on how to setup a blueprint mechanic regarding this problem.

Many thanks in advance.

Hey there @LeoFraas! Welcome to the community! So are you just trying to control certain group collisions at runtime? You could create a custom collision group and just change it’s collision response whenever you please. This example swaps ignoring container’s collisions and blocking them back and forth.

Thanks for the quick response. :slight_smile:

I’ve already created a custom collision group and exactly the same node setup.

Found out, that it works on single actors but not on those who are embeded into a blueprint of several actors (a modular assembly group so to speak).
Furthermore I couldn’t find any collision settings, within the actor assembly BP, regarding this issue.

Again thx a lot for all the help.

Ahh yes multiple actors all require their own calls, as well as if you’re using SMs under another collision, their collisions take the collision data from their root. What’s your use case? Only the crouching bit? If so changing this on the root of whatever collision should do the job in most cases.

Ok now it works.

Problem was, that SM collision presets within a BP don’t update to the collision presets of the SM file it self in the content browser. Had to set it manually in the BP for any mesh that needs this function.

Many thx @SupportiveEntity. Really helped a noob out here :slight_smile:

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