I’ve built a function that prints something when I hover over a button with my mouse. My goal was to be able to still print it when my mouse is down. For example, when I’m dragging something, and I hover that button, it should still print something to the screen, but that doesn’t happen cause the mouse is down and not up. I wasn’t able to find any particular solution to this, so I’m asking for some guidance, thus I’m just starting to learn Unreal.
It works if I try to drag the object, and while the mouse is down, I hover it. But imagine that I’m not dragging the button, but the mouse is down. In that case, it does not work, and that’s what I need. I’m sorry for bothering you, and thank you for spending your time trying to help me!
I’m not sure I understand. Mouse enter/leave will fire regardless of whether any mouse button is down. If you are already inside the object with the mouse and then click, you will fire an OnMouseButtonDown event. What else is there?
I suggest you just look through the available mouse events in UMG (click the Function Overrides drop-down). I suspect there’s something in that list to do what you want, perhaps in combination with other events.
That’s a bit harsh to call my feedback ‘irrelevant’…the problem as I see it is that the hover event won’t fire if the mouse has a button down since UMG would treat this as a drag event, so by trapping OnMouseEnter/Leave, you get the same effect as a hover- the mouse is inside the UMG object.