On Component End Overlap happens when changing variable


I’ve found very strange behavior of End Component Overlap event.

  1. I created a simple blueprint with a cube mesh and a sphere collider.
  2. Added print functions to begin overlap and end overlap for this sphere.
  3. Added a few public variables.

Now On Component End Overlap happens every time when I change the values of this variables.

What is the problem? Did I made something wrong? Maybe this is a bug?

Archive with test project
Video with demonstration

Thank you for your answer!

So there is no way to debug collisions in such way? If I “Play” the scene and then eject, I get the same problem. Ejection works similar to simulation?

I downloaded it, it seems to work fine.

Change it to work like this:

and you’ll discover it’s overlapping with itself. You need to specify something you’re interested in, like this:

See my more recent stuff ( above ) :slight_smile:

In Play (without possesing) problem dissapears, even without your optimization.

In Play (after possessinglink text) problem still exists.

I tried your solution and tested it in Simulate mode. It still generates end overlap Events.

Checked documentation. “While simulating, you have full access to the Editor’s tools, so you can modify the scene and its contents, or even place new Actors. You can also select and inspect Pawns controlled by AI right as they are performing actions, and quickly debug and tweak gameplay behaviors.”. So changing variables in editor in simulation is a documented way to debug…

Attaching video with problem demonstartion

It’s really up to you. You’ll find plenty of places the engine doesn’t behave like it says in the docs. Working around it is the best way forwards…