On Component Beging Overlaped doesnt work when it is overlapped by components, not arctors, why?


I have 2 blueprints:

  1. contains a box colision with On Component Beging Overlaped Event.
  2. is a spline with animated skeletal meshes along it.

By default, the 2nd blueprint already lies throught the 1st blueprint with a Box Collision component.
And the skeletal meshes have to go through this Box Collision Component.

And the event need to happen.
But it doesn’t, The event doesn’t get evoked.
All skeletal meshes have colisions (block all).

Do you know how to fix?

Many thatnks in advance.

Typically (most of the ■■■■ time) collisions that are overlapped on Construct/Begin Play do not trigger hits or overlaps. You have to manually re-trigger them.

You can try having the box collision disabled by default, then on Begin Play → Delay → Enable Collision.

Another option would be to have the box collision very small, not overlapping, then scale it on Begin play.

Thank you very much for you response!
Unfortunately it works only particulary;
It works only for the 1st skeletal mesh being overlaping the Box Collision component, but there are hundreeds of skeletal meshes going along this path. And all of them together are 1 single actor.
So, as far as I understand, it percieves all skeletal meshes as 1 solid actor, and because of that doesn’t evoke the event for each separate skeletal mesh component, because thinks that the component has not ended being overlaped by the 1st actor yet, to being overlaped by it again.
Can it be a problem?
If so, does anybody know how to fix?

The only solution I’ve found is to turn each skeletal mesh component to an actor inside the 1st actor (wrap each skeletal mesh with a blueprint). But I would like to avoid it.

Can you post a visual of the actors in scene. Having a hard time visualizing the end product.

Thank you for your time @Rev0verDrive.
Here is the image:

So, the box is one BP,
The spline and people animated along it - another BP.

People are skeletal meshe components and have colisions.
Box has the Event.

Frankly… it looks like it doesn’t work even for the first time.

But, it looks like if I change all Skeletal Meshes Components to Child Actor Components it starts to work properly. But I would like to avoid it.

So, if somebody is curious, the problem was in the “Generate Overlap Events” in the Collision settings of the Skeletal meshes. For some reason, by default if was turned off in my case.

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Lol well hell. I assumed you had that already on.

@ Rev0verDrive
Yeah, really don’t know why it was turned off.