I have a coin that you can DROP from your character and I have a trigger for “On Component Begin Overlap”. This works well when you drop the coin and run away and then run back to collide with the coin.
But I had to implement a delay on picking it up because when you dropped the coin it triggered the Begin Overlap so it dropped and picked it up instantly.
Now I have the problem where I can drop the coin and I’m already on top of it – so the Begin Overlap has been called and done – but how do I detect if I’m on top of the coin?
Right now I have to walk away and walk back to the coin, triggering the Begin Overlap again – but I want it to just realize I’m already on top of the coin.
My goal is to set the “Being Picked Up” (Boolean) flag not only on Begin Collide but by somehow detecting that I’m already on top of it.