On 5.0.3: The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: MDLImporter

Ubuntu 22.04
GeForce 2060

I’ve tried a few days worth of things so far, but I can’t get the MDLImporter to work on this project I’m trying to open.

There were a couple other local plugins in the project I was able to generate Linux binaries for, but the MDLImporter always fails. Not only does it fail, but it’s referenced by an Engine Plugin (USDSchema) so if I try to bring it locally into my project to build a binary OR use the RunUAT.sh to build it… it fails due to hierarchy of plugins.

e.g. Hierarchy is Plugin -> Project -> Engine Programs -> Engine Plugins -> Engine

I’ve also tried bringing down essentially the entire Plugins folder from 5.0.3 to avoid the hierarchy issues, but then it shows me a bunch of code errors within the MDLImporter itself which prevents compilation.

I’ve tried re-installing 5.0.3 and building again.
I’ve tried using the compiled Linux binary from 5.1, but that fails.

Does anyone have working source or a compiled Linux binary for the MDLImporter : Unreal 5.0.3?

Thank you!

I ended up resolving this by doing the following:

  • Copy all engine plugins into your project plugins folder (except those listed below)
  • Remove Binaries, Intermediate, and Build folders from Enterprise/MDLImporter and Importers/USDImporter
  • Open project and click “Yes” when asked to rebuild missing plugins

Folders you don’t need to copy:

- Animation
- AudioGameplay
- AudioGamePlayVolume
- Cameras
- Developer
- Editor
- Experimental
- FX
- Importers/AlembicHairImporter
- Importers/AlembicImporter
- Media
- MovieScene
- Runtime
- Slate
- VirtualProduction

Then you can remove the unimportant ones, or copy the Binaries folder from MDLImporter into your Engine folder.