Omniverse Audio2Face and UE Integration - Compiling error

Hi, I have been going crazy for the past week trying to compile Audio2Face Livelink into a UE application.
I have seen many threads on this topic, but most of them have been closed/no real solution.

I want to build a “meta-assistant” as a very simple application involving a metahuman where I am broadcasting live TTS in a continuous audio stream.
I am currently using UE 5.3. Checklist:

  • Audio2Face is properly configured and ready to go.
  • The metahuman is placed in the scene and receiving streaming data.

List of problems and how I have (almost) solved them:
1. Compilation errors: Initially I had problems during compilation, with errors related to OmniverseAudioMixer. Removing it was not an option, since it is critical to my project. The error logs showed:

UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. 
ExitCode=6 (6)

After modifying the MetaHuman plugin by changing the MetaHumanIdentity module from “Runtime” to “Editor” in MetaHuman.uplugin, the build succeeded.
[Thanks to Can’t compile MetaHuman - #6 by tomaaron872 - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums]

2. Live Link Failure: After successfully exporting the project, the MetaHuman remains static and isn’t receiving animation data from Audio2Face via Live Link. I confirmed that the Live Link connection is present and working in Unreal, and that the correct presets are loaded, but the animation is not apply after export. I tried different settings in the Plugins - Live Link menu but had no success.

3. Blueprint troubleshooting: I then tried to review and adjust the MetaHuman blueprint by connecting nodes such as Event BeginPlay to the AR Kit Face/Live Link body configuration, making sure that everything was wired correctly. Despite this, the MetaHuman still did not come alive after exporting the application. The blueprint now looks as follows:

I’ve hit a roadblock and would appreciate any help! If you’ve experienced similar issues or have any insights, please share. Thanks in advance!

P.s I’ve already checked Live Link Setup Documentation [Audio2Face to UE Live Link Plugin — Omniverse Audio2Face latest documentation]
Plugin is installed in the correct directory folder Engine\Plugins\Marketplace .as for Audio2Face 2023.1.1 (Open Beta) Released - #22 by Mr.Developer00

Hi! Did you ever solve the problem? I’m facing a similar issue, so any guidance would be very helpful. Thank you!