Thanks much, Neutronux, for all the help in finally getting her animated! My only question now is, how do I get her facing right or left when she moves in those directions?
Are you using a 2d blendspace? This would make sense for a combat anim blendspace where your feet could move in all directions while your main body would still face forwards. If you would just create some idle-walk-(run) anim then a 1d blendspace is easier. Did you try with a blank “third person” project and took a look into that blendspace? There is just a forwards anim but the character could still move in all directions (because he turns the hole character). The only variable that drives a 1d blendspace is speed.
Hello, again! No, I just used a 1d blendspace. Since she is more of a “sexy” character than a “shooter” character, I guess I need to try making a 2D blendspace. I know they are much more complex. If I were to make a 2D blendspace, would it then just be a matter of deleting the 1D blendspace and wiring up the 2D blendspace, or is there more to it? I would like to work on the 2d blendspace without disrupting anything else, if possible, so it would be nice if I could work on it by itself, then just try to slot it in. Since you are so knowledgeable on Unreal, what advice do you have for me attempting to put one of my .mp4 animations on the billboard in the scene. In iClone, I just drag any .mp4 onto the billboard, and when I hit “play”, the video plays along with all other animation in the scene. I did notice, when I export from 3DXchange, that on anything other than a character (which you can add animations to), it always says, “animation found on such and such; this will be deleted”. Also, looking at the forums, people seem to have a huge amount of problems getting videos to play in Unreal.
You would need a second parameter to drive that blendspace (e.g. direction) and of course more animations. It’s not worse or better … it’s just 2D and only makes sense if you need it and if you got enough anims to do something with it. If you would just idle walk run then keep your 1D blendspace. Probably check your character BP with the character BP that comes with a blank third person project as well the anim BP. It should be pretty much the same setup that you (should) use so far.
Regarding that video…
Just import your video into UE4 editor. Add a new Media player (rightclick-> Media -> Mediaplayer). Choose at least video. You should have 3 new icons in the content browser now. The video (grey - file media source) and two red ones (media player and media player video). Rightclick the media player video and choose “Create Material”. Drag and drop some plane or cube actor into your map. Drag and drop that new created material on your plane or cube actor (or any other actor that should play that video). Finally you have to start that video somehow. You could do this via adding a mediaplayer variable to either a new created actor (that have to be drag and dropped into your map) or direct in the level blueprint. Choose the new created media player as value for that media player variable and create a further node called “OpenSource”. From there choose the video (that grey icon). Done.
You would require a moment parameter to drive that blendspace