I recently switched from UE4 to UE5. Now I have an older project that I would like to restart, but because I used the Plugin C4DUE4 in UE4, I can no longer open the project with the error message “Plugin Missing”. Now I have removed all UE4 versions to make room for UE5, but the Plugin is already a bit old. I also tried with the Build-in Plugin in UE5 for C4D but unfortunately that doesn’t work for my project.
Does anyone know a solution for this or has my old project been written off?
And I don’t know how to get around that error message, and whether the missing plugin. (I still have the C4DUE4 plugin itself in a folder)
Hi @FennaFenn in the original project remove the plugin from the list in
C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProjectFilmBlank\Saved\Config\WindowsEditor\Engine.ini
Make sure you have used Notepad to check the following exists
Thank you so much, both of you. I’m going to try this. I hope it helps! And in the Notepad you suggested I should pay attention to that. And if I see it, do I have to delete it?
I’ve looked in the .ini but I can’t find or remove the C4D Plugin. After I tried again starting the project I got a crash report at 98% Metadata import.
First take a look at the YouTube link, see if that helps?
Have you tried right clicking your .uproject, opening it in a text editor, and removing the C4D plugin entry from there? (Make sure you back up the file first)
I have looked at UE 4.26 and added the DataSmith for Cinema 4D Plugin, with an import using C4D
When I tried to convert into UE5 I got the missing plugin error.
My idea is to go into the UE4 Project version and DISABLE, Untick the DataSmith Cinematic 4D plugin importer, and Check for any other Cinema 4D plugins
Then restart the project in UE4. Check it still works.
Please go into the Latest version of UE5.0.2 and select to make a copy while converting from UE4 when you open the UE4 version.