Okay so I have a saving issue with spawned item

So basically I’m having an issue with actors that im “buying” staying spawned after a save. Ive checked savegame and its an equipped weapon variable on my character with a transform that saves but never spawns when I spawn it in game. Kind of new, tried privatizing (lol) tried checking the savegame for it as a variable in everything imagineable tried making it an array and getting a copy of it but it seems like when I spawn the item ingame and save. The item is not saved :x Halp

SticheSCombatCon - Unreal Editor (gyazo.com)
Apologies for the mess x.x have yet to clean and label most of my code. I know,I should be keeping it up for good conditioning of skills (forgot the proper phrase aha)

Even tried spawning actor from class based off of the equipped weapon. nada. has something to do between spawning and saving. as if I place the weapons in the world they will work as the equipped weapon and load in the exact transform but the spawned does not… thanks <3

hey there. having this exact issue. put it in the world, saves no problem. spawn it from a chest, store, etc? no dice. You’re very right here. I tried everything you tried too (array of items in save game, etc). I even tried using a wildcard to load by the items “spawned name,” since it is different with each spawned item. the only other option i have considered is to just move all items into the game off of the map, and faux spawn them by transform instead of literally spawning. thats a REAL mess so far. there has to be an easier way… Did you ever have any success getting this to work? hope this finds you well!