Oh Goodness...WHY does my import fail so hard?!

Like, it works perfect in Maya, the Bind Pose is supposedly good (because I got the error and fixed it), don’t get an error on export anymore. Had 5 errors originally on import, now 0 errors…I fixed the Bindpose and root issues. But…still…I can’t get my WHOLE mesh in with the proper animation sequence…and I baked sim just fine…I mean…what am I doing wrong? I’ve followed every single tutorial to the T…and still…it just fails…I’ve been at it for three days now… it sucks… I tried all the suggestions out there, like rotating the root, deleting it and replacing it. moving it, and putting it back to origin… I actually REDID my whole mesh twice, and RErigged it THREE times just in case it was just some mistake on my part…

  1. Why the -90 degree flip first off…

  2. Why can’t I get my whole mesh in?

  3. Even with all this, why didn’t my animation come in?

I’ve gone through all the docs (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/FBX/Animations/index.html#exportinganimations) (https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Content/FBX/SkeletalMeshes/index.html), etc… my skeletal comes in just fine…except the root now that I think about it…is that supposed to come in as well?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am such a noob. Help please:)

Couple of things:

  1. If in Maya you’re working with Yup be sure, in the export dialog, to select Zup, so that UE4 won’t flip -90° your mesh

  2. This is strange…try to go Edit>Delete non deforming history and be sure that the mesh which are not imported are weighted to the skeletal rig…be sure to select all your meshes ( select hierarchy, sometimes Maya is totally dumb on selecting ) and the skeletal rig, then export selected

  3. On the export dialog there is the possibility to bake the animation, or alternatively use the Bake function inside Maya and take a look at the option, then export. Have you tried to import the exported animation inside Maya again? does it work? are you exporting from Maya both the mesh and the animation? have you tried to export the skeletal mesh first and then export the animation and selecting the “kinda motor thingy” as a skeletal rig inside UE4?

In general: when you import inside UE4 do you have weighting issue warnings? if so please upload a picture…are you able to select a joint inside the skeleatl rig viewer and rotate/move something? is the geometry moving accordingly or not?