offline arcgis map

hi there.
I have used arcgis (ESRI) map in my unreal engine project. but it should always been online to load maps. anybody knows a solution to use arcgis in offline mode? by download local maps in a server or things like that?

hi @alexspace1990

Not sure if this is the right thing you mentioned but have you seen this?

Managing your local display cache—ArcMap | Documentation (

thank you for your response @High500
I have followed this tutorial : ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unreal Engine 5 | Setting up a global scene - YouTube
and do not know how to use your guide.
as you see in the tutorial, he use an API as a source , but i wanna cash or download that Map server

Did you figure this out?

I also want to be able to bundle all map layers locally, so I can run the same exact project offline. Ideally it was also be much faster than calling a server each time you load a layer.

Let me know.

somehow Yes.
I had to change map provider from ArcGIS to Cesium. It is really pass all of my demand. easier to use (specially about camera rendering and coordinate system handling) and better support (powerful and resistant forum page).

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