[OFFICIAL] Crumbling Ruins Master Thread

I’m starting a fresh thread now that this pack is complete and submitted to the Marketplace. This thread can be used to ask questions or leave comments or whatever else you want to do regarding this pack.

Screenshots are below!

As an aside, if you don’t want to wait until Epic approves this pack you can buy it directly from Gumroad! I have Unreal and Unity versions available there as well as a combo pack that includes both versions at a discounted price.

Unreal Engine:

Unity 5.0:

COMBO Pack - Both Unreal and Unity:








@WarrenM - could you make some combined stair mehses?

The included sample map has some stair groups in it you can use, but if you’re looking for complete staircases or what-have-you those aren’t in there yet. I suppose it would depend on demand. As a ruins set, having large staircases seemed out of place.

Ah, I actually just meant like the small example stairs, but done as a single mesh, really.

I guess these are a bit too heavy for a gearVR project?

That looks Epic :wink: