Off Topic: What would you do if you were a ghost?

I would make list of all cats owned by Epic folks. when they play multiplayer (owners not cats) I would troll cat into jumping on keyboard (troll ie. ghostly version of laser dot).
Or would posses the cat and add random comments in code “your cat was here” etc. That would make them all very obsessed or paranoid about their cats.

Also as possesed cat i would sit near monitor and do random comments about code all in deep evil voice and with glowing eyes.

You are a genius! What happens if they are a dog person…

As a ghost I would ask myself why when I want to hit a wall I fall through it but why I’m already not falling through the ground. (ever experienced this bug where you fall into ground?)

But actually I will be floating and not particularly stepping anywhere on the ground. So this tells me I can go through the ground too (but can’t see anything because of no empty space in front of my eyes).

But the fact is, whoever said as a ghost I will be having the same human shape as I had before I turned into a ghost? (So probably no eyes).

What if someone lost both their hands before they died? the poor ghost would have no hands for the rest of eternity? (So definitely I’d be taking another form after death).

I imagine I’ll be some sort of energy-ish. (what’s going on?)

After all, whatever I am after death, I’d probably not be around this physical realm. (guess what, countless of people have died since the first humans on this planet till now. If they all wished to stay around this world, travel, and bother people it’d be so crowded and not a fun place for a ghost to stay).

All in all, if I was allowed to move around freely without any invisible walls my fantasy is to move straight forward into the space until I actually hit that the end of the world wall.

(Better get to sleep before I actually become one)