Hey friends, welcome to Off-Topic! In opening up a new forum to discuss any and everything, we want to further encourage to keep the conversations positive and constructive. We understand that people have different opinions on a number of things, let’s listen to Bill S. Preston, Esquire’s advice and “Be excellent to each-other”.
Some Ground Rules:
Be Professional.
Be Courteous.
Be Respectful.
I don’t want to have to close the forum due to the inability to uphold these simple guidelines.
Oh, finally an off-topic section where we can poke each other’s eyes out.
Which reminds me, General Discussion is attracting 90% of spams so what if we quietly migrate the useful threads in that section to a new section and leave the spams fill it as they wish, like a quarantine area? :eek: And of course, i am being ridiculous.
And i agree, nice forum and AnswerHub changes lately!
I’m new here, but not to 2.5D softwares. As in 3dsmax and Sculptris. Do you think I’m wasiting my time here or I can contribute, even if knowledge only?
Thank you in advance by the way.