Off Screen Indicators bug

I’m following someone’s tutorial for making off screen indicators for my fighitng game done with Paper2D. The current situation where my problem is occuring is in 4 Player local multiplayer done on one screen. Whenever Player1 (controller id 0) is destroyed the other players show their indicators in the center of the screen until P1’s indicator is created again on respawn. (It’s set to not visible while on screen) Is there something in this code that is causing that?


// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#pragma once

#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "HUDBlueprintLibrary.generated.h"

class WOLFPACKBATTALION_API UHUDBlueprintLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
	* Converts a world location to screen position for HUD drawing. This differs from the results of FSceneView::WorldToScreen in that it returns a position along the edge of the screen for offscreen locations
	* @param		InLocation	- The world space location to be converted to screen space
	* @param		EdgePercent - How close to the edge of the screen, 1.0 = at edge, 0.0 = at center of screen. .9 or .95 is usually desirable
	* @outparam	OutScreenPosition - the screen coordinates for HUD drawing
	* @outparam	OutRotationAngleDegrees - The angle to rotate a hud element if you want it pointing toward the offscreen indicator, 0° if onscreen
	* @outparam	bIsOnScreen - True if the specified location is in the camera view (may be obstructed)
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (WorldContext = "WorldContextObject", CallableWithoutWorldContext), Category = "HUD|Util")
		static void FindScreenEdgeLocationForWorldLocation(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector& InLocation, const float EdgePercent, FVector2D& OutScreenPosition, float& OutRotationAngleDegrees, bool &bIsOnScreen);



// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "WolfPackBattalion.h"
#include "HUDBlueprintLibrary.h"

void UHUDBlueprintLibrary::FindScreenEdgeLocationForWorldLocation(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FVector& InLocation, const float EdgePercent, FVector2D& OutScreenPosition, float& OutRotationAngleDegrees, bool &bIsOnScreen)
	bIsOnScreen = false;
	OutRotationAngleDegrees = 0.f;	

	if (!GEngine) return;

	const FVector2D ViewportSize = FVector2D(GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->GetSizeXY());
	const FVector2D  ViewportCenter = FVector2D(ViewportSize.X / 2, ViewportSize.Y / 2);

	UWorld* World = GEngine->GetWorldFromContextObject(WorldContextObject);

	if (!World) return;

	APlayerController* PlayerController = (WorldContextObject ? UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(WorldContextObject, 0) : NULL);

	if (!PlayerController) return;

	ACharacter* PlayerCharacter = Cast<ACharacter>(PlayerController->GetPawn());

	if (!PlayerCharacter) return;

	FVector Forward = PlayerCharacter->GetActorForwardVector();
	FVector Offset = (InLocation - PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation()).GetSafeNormal();

	float DotProduct = FVector::DotProduct(Forward, Offset);
	bool bLocationIsBehindCamera = (DotProduct < 0);

	if (bLocationIsBehindCamera)
		// For behind the camera situation, we cheat a little to put the
		// marker at the bottom of the screen so that it moves smoothly
		// as you turn around. Could stand some refinement, but results
		// are decent enough for most purposes.

		FVector DiffVector = InLocation - PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();
		FVector Inverted = DiffVector * -1.f;
		FVector NewInLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation() * Inverted;

		NewInLocation.Z -= 5000;

		PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(NewInLocation, OutScreenPosition);
		OutScreenPosition.Y = (EdgePercent * ViewportCenter.X) * 2.f;
		OutScreenPosition.X = -ViewportCenter.X - OutScreenPosition.X;

	PlayerController->ProjectWorldLocationToScreen(InLocation, OutScreenPosition);//*ScreenPosition);

	// Check to see if it's on screen. If it is, ProjectWorldLocationToScreen is all we need, return it.	
	if (OutScreenPosition.X >= 0.f && OutScreenPosition.X <= ViewportSize.X
		&& OutScreenPosition.Y >= 0.f && OutScreenPosition.Y <= ViewportSize.Y)
		bIsOnScreen = true;

	OutScreenPosition -= ViewportCenter;

	float AngleRadians = FMath::Atan2(OutScreenPosition.Y, OutScreenPosition.X);
	AngleRadians -= FMath::DegreesToRadians(90.f);

	OutRotationAngleDegrees = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(AngleRadians) + 180.f;

	float Cos = cosf(AngleRadians);
	float Sin = -sinf(AngleRadians);

	OutScreenPosition = FVector2D(ViewportCenter.X + (Sin * 180.f), ViewportCenter.Y + Cos * 180.f);

	float m = Cos / Sin;

	FVector2D ScreenBounds = ViewportCenter * EdgePercent;

	if (Cos > 0)
		OutScreenPosition = FVector2D(ScreenBounds.Y / m, ScreenBounds.Y);
		OutScreenPosition = FVector2D(-ScreenBounds.Y / m, -ScreenBounds.Y);

	if (OutScreenPosition.X > ScreenBounds.X)
		OutScreenPosition = FVector2D(ScreenBounds.X, ScreenBounds.X*m);
	else if (OutScreenPosition.X < -ScreenBounds.X)
		OutScreenPosition = FVector2D(-ScreenBounds.X, -ScreenBounds.X*m);
	OutScreenPosition += ViewportCenter;	
