Odd Skeletal Mesh Rotations Upon FBX Import (Solved)

EDIT: I solved the problem myself. Was just some problems with the mesh being rotated incorrectly in comparison to the bones when being imported into Unreal Engine. The bone issue also is solved, by exporting at 6.1 ASCII format.

I have a strange problem upon importing FBX’s into Unreal. Initially, I was using the fbx exporter version FBX 7.4 binary, however, this led to problems such as disconnected bones and bones being “missing from the bind pose” etc as seen in the image here. https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2d5YXpvLmNvbS9mZWFiODgxNmQwZmM4YWE5NDk2MTVmZDk5NDM0OWQ3Ny5qcGcifQ.s-HBpe9CyXGmOk7Sxb_eDqyrJ4I
Despite this, it seems animations work flawlessly… but I wanted to avoid this as we’re all worried how much the above errors may affect performance.

I decided to try exporting at version FBX 6.1 ASCll. This completely avoids the errors seen above, and imports without problems… however, when I go to view the skeletal model in Unreal it has really odd default rotations.
Blender rig/model: http://prntscr.com/dh1s1b
Unreal Import: http://prntscr.com/dh1s6r
I’d really appreciate some help here as it is extremely frustrating, plus it’s kind of halting development on our project. It’s not exactly reliable to find out the specific rotational transform values and tell them to the rest of the team upon importing.

  • Nathan


Is it possible to send the model? This could be 2 problems. 1 your model is too small so the armature is too small and it does not pick up which vertex the bone is weighed to. To fix this just take a look at 1 of my old models I imported into Unreal at this link Blender to Unreal Basics 013 - Character using Unreal Animations 2016 - YouTube

2 the bones are not weight painted.