Oculus Story Studio’s VR Trailer Source Assets Released!

We haven’t put in any pull requests. We’re still debating on how we want to get stuff into mainline/which changes we would do that with. I’ll forward that along though =)

Hope there was something good in there! It’s only fair that I share - I’m currently watching your VR Motion Controllers and VR Networking/3d Menu videos.

I am having trouble with git hub. I get the files to load but when I go to sync with desktop nothing happens. Can you use the OSS_ plugins on the regular version of UE. Or that’s the whole reason for the new branch?

I can’t wait to check out this awesome project. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get it to build. These are the errors I’m running into when I try to build

I am having trouble with this…


I am getting this pop up every time I try to open but then it doesn’t build correctly and gives me this…


How do I rebuild it manually?


Is the Git address working for everyone else? No luck with it.http://imgupp.com/img/1446918954.jpg

I’m having the same trouble

Hope this helps.

Dose anyone know which part of UE has been customized for this project?
I heard that they’ve done something on USkeletalMeshComponent in order to manipulate bones for 's eyes.

I thought we can rotate bone with blueprint without special modification in recent version of UE.

Thanks. Had unreal and git previously, just hadn’t linked them.

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I downloaded and compiled the project, and I have a production Rift with Touch controllers. ‘VR Preview’ is greyed out, so I can’t seem to play this through the headset. Does this project still work with current Oculus gear?

I have the same problem with you. Have you solved it?

@JingLuo_Li Would you be able to share the project folder? It has been taken down from its location online and I really want to try to get this project working.

Can someone who successfully installed this share the Henry_Trailer.zip? It appears to have been taken down or is no longer accessible at its original url. Not sure why

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Has this project been publically removed? I have followed the instructions and everything seems to work except that the project folder does not get created when I run the batch files per the instructions…There is also no Games/ target when I open EU4 in Windows Studio

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The link of Henry in github is invalid. After linking the accounts and logging the github, the page is still 404. :frowning:

The link of Henry in github is invalid. After linking the accounts and logging the github, the page is still 404. :frowning:

The link of Henry in github is invalid. After linking the accounts and logging the github, the page is still 404. :frowning: