Oculus Rift : Skeet Shooter

Hi all!

Here’s a video of my next UE4 WIP - an Oculus Rift Skeet Shooter game. Cool things in this video:

  1. Independent head motion and weapon movement.
  2. Lean-in to weapon aimspace using oculus head tracking (you can even close one eye for that ultimate shotgun aim experience!)

It’s very early days, but I’ve got a good beachhead on the weapon and aim dynamics now

Milestone 2

Been hard at work on this one - now you can see the benefit of the Rift!

Hitting the target (skeet) is very hard, unless you look straight down the barrel of the shotgun - you can see this in the video where I miss the first four times. I think this very closely mimics the difficulty of skeet in real life.
I cheat a bit in the video below, by looking through the actual mesh, but you get the idea.

Also seen here - physics (launching/spinning the skeet), sound, and independent rifle movement