Oculus Quest build is successfull but app crashes

I can build the app for android/quest with no errors. But when I launch the app it imediatly stops running.
With logcat I get the following error:

05-16 13:04:14.325: E/AndroidRuntime(4606): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "fgets_unlocked" referenced by "/data/app/MYAPPPACKAGEandNAME/lib/arm/libUE4.so"...

I think it has something to do with the ndk settings.
I used the following sdk/ndk settings:

  • Minimum sdk: 25
  • target sdk: 25
  • sdk api level: matchndk
  • ndk api level: latest

can someone say whats the problem here?

I had the same problem.
It was an issue with the NDK level (and probably the sdk too).
my game was working on android 10 but not android 7 with the exact same error.
i had min sdk=24 target=28 and that is ok, that can stay the same.

what i’ve changed was the “Platforms - Android > Project sdk override”, AND (just in case) the “Platforms - Android SDK” preferences, to have this:

ndk api level = android-24
sdk = matchndk

now is working on 7 and 10.
that made it work on android phone version 7.x
