Oculus Quest Android Successful Package - Crash on Startup: Error: Assertion failed: Views.Num() == 2 [File:\\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 1522]

Hello UE4, So I am aiming to package my project to the Quest, and it works successfully, but it crashes on start.

It seems to do with HierarchalInstanceStaticMesh.

I don’t believe I even use Instanced Static Meshes at all?

Any clues on how to move forward would be awesome.

Thank you so much!



********** DEPLOY COMMAND COMPLETED **********
********** RUN COMMAND STARTED **********
Starting Client....
Running: D:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 1PASH9BF7X9144  shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
Took 0.0817797s to run adb.exe, ExitCode=0
Apk='D:\Virtuoso2019\Virtuoso\Binaries/Android\Virtuoso-armv7-es2.apk', ClientApp='D:\VirtuosoBuilds\Quest\Android_ASTC\Virtuoso\Binaries\Android\Virtuoso', ExeName='D:\Virtuoso2019\Virtuoso\Binaries\Android\Virtuoso'
Running Package@Device:com.Virtuoso.Virtuoso@1PASH9BF7X9144
Running: D:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 1PASH9BF7X9144 logcat -c
Took 0.0807818s to run adb.exe, ExitCode=0
Running: D:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 1PASH9BF7X9144 shell am start -n com.Virtuoso.Virtuoso/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity
  Starting: Intent { cmp=com.Virtuoso.Virtuoso/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity }
Took 1.4960024s to run adb.exe, ExitCode=0
Running: D:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 1PASH9BF7X9144 logcat -d -s UE4 -s Debug
  --------- beginning of system
  --------- beginning of main
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion: Number of dev versions registered: 23
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Blueprints (B0D832E4-1F89-4F0D-ACCF-7EB736FD4AA2): 10
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Build (E1C64328-A22C-4D53-A36C-8E866417BD8C): 0
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Core (375EC13C-06E4-48FB-B500-84F0262A717E): 3
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Editor (E4B068ED-F494-42E9-A231-DA0B2E46BB41): 30
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Framework (CFFC743F-43B0-4480-9391-14DF171D2073): 35
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Mobile (B02B49B5-BB20-44E9-A304-32B752E40360): 2
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Networking (A4E4105C-59A1-49B5-A7C5-40C4547EDFEE): 0
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Online (39C831C9-5AE6-47DC-9A44-9C173E1C8E7C): 0
  06-10 14:49:47.107  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Physics (78F01B33-EBEA-4F98-B9B4-84EACCB95AA2): 0
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Platform (6631380F-2D4D-43E0-8009-CF276956A95A): 0
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Rendering (12F88B9F-8875-4AFC-A67C-D90C383ABD29): 28
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Sequencer (7B5AE74C-D270-4C10-A958-57980B212A5A): 11
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-VR (D7296918-1DD6-4BDD-9DE2-64A83CC13884): 2
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-LoadTimes (C2A15278-BFE7-4AFE-6C17-90FF531DF755): 1
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Private-Geometry (6EACA3D4-40EC-4CC1-B786-8BED09428FC5): 3
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-AnimPhys (29E575DD-E0A3-4627-9D10-D276232CDCEA): 17
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Anim (AF43A65D-7FD3-4947-9873-3E8ED9C1BB05): 2
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-ReflectionCapture (6B266CEC-1EC7-4B8F-A30B-E4D90942FC07): 1
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Automation (0DF73D61-A23F-47EA-B727-89E90C41499A): 1
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   FortniteMain (601D1886-AC64-4F84-AA16-D3DE0DEAC7D6): 25
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Enterprise (9DFFBCD6-494F-0158-E221-12823C92A888): 6
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Niagara (F2AED0AC-9AFE-416F-8664-AA7FFA26D6FC): 1
  06-10 14:49:47.108  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogDevObjectVersion:   Dev-Destruction (174F1F0B-B4C6-45A5-B13F-2EE8D0FB917D): 2
  06-10 14:49:47.139  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogInit: Presizing for max 131072 objects, including 1 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
  06-10 14:49:47.141  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogStreaming: Display: Async Loading initialized: Event Driven Loader: true, Async Loading Thread: false, Async Post Load: true
  06-10 14:49:47.161  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
  06-10 14:49:47.169  4550  4566 D UE4     : LogConfig: Setting CVar [[con.DebugEarlyDefault:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[con.DebugEarlyDefault:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GPUCrashDebugging:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileHDR:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.DisableVertexFog:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxMobileCascades:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileMSAA:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DiscardUnusedQuality:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowOcclusionQueries:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForLights:0.030000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForDepthPrepass:0.030000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.177  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MinScreenRadiusForCSMDepth:0.010000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:177][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PrecomputedVisibilityWarning:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TextureStreaming:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[Compat.UseDXT5NormalMaps:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ClearCoatNormal:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ReflectionCaptureResolution:128]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixBasedOnRoughness:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ForwardShading:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VertexFoggingForOpaque:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowStaticLighting:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.NormalMapsForStaticLighting:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GenerateMeshDistanceFields:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldBuild.EightBit:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GenerateLandscapeGIData:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldBuild.Compress:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle:48.000000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SeparateTranslucency:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucentSortPolicy:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CustomDepth:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CustomDepthTemporalAAJitter:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessing.PropagateAlpha:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.UsePreExposure:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.Bloom:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusion:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AmbientOcclusionStaticFraction:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AutoExposure.Method:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.178  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:178][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.LensFlare:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TemporalAA.Upsampling:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.UnbuiltPreviewInGame:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.StencilForLODDither:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.179  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:179][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPass:3]]
  06-10 14:49:47.180  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:180][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EarlyZPassOnlyMaterialMasking:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.180  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:180][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DBuffer:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.180  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:180][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ClearSceneMethod:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:180][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BasePassOutputsVelocity:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SelectiveBasePassOutputs:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowGlobalClipPlane:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GBufferFormat:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MorphTarget.Mode:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.InstancedStereo:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.MultiView:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.MobileMultiView:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[vr.MobileMultiView.Direct:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.WireframeCullThreshold:5.000000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportStationarySkylight:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportPointLightWholeSceneShadows:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportAtmosphericFog:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkinCache.CompileShaders:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableStaticAndCSMShadowReceivers:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.EnableMovableLightCSMShaderCulling:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.AllowDistanceFieldShadows:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Mobile.AllowMovableDirectionalLights:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileNumDynamicPointLights:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileDynamicPointLightsUseStaticBranch:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkinCache.SceneMemoryLimitInMB:128.000000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GPUSkin.Limit2BoneInfluences:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportDepthOnlyIndexBuffers:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportReversedIndexBuffers:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SupportMaterialLayers:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.181  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:181][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.FlushStreamingOnGC:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC:10]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.AllowParallelGC:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects:61.1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInEditor:16777216]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabled:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.CreateGCClusters:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MinGCClusterSize:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.ActorClusteringEnabled:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.182  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:182][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.183  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:183][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.183  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:183][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInGame:131072]]
  06-10 14:49:47.183  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:183][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.NetworkSettings] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.186  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.186  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.186  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.186  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.186  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:186][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  06-10 14:49:47.187  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:187][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1        ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1          ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0       ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4                 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1    ; additive foreground scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2    ; additive background scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1      ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1         ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1                ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0    ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1                ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.188  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:188][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.189  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:189][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.190  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:190][  0]LogAndroid: Vulkan not available as project packaged without bSupportsVulkan or bSupportsVulkanSM5.
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid: Checking 36 rules from DeviceProfile ini file.
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   Default profile: Android_Default
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   GpuFamily: Adreno (TM) 540
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   GlVersion: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@375.0 (GIT@b1f8328, I8a36212832) (Date:03/05/19)
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   VulkanAvailable: false
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   VulkanVersion: 1.0.87
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   AndroidVersion: 7.1.1
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   DeviceMake: Oculus
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   DeviceModel: Quest
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   DeviceBuildNumber: user-256550.5350.0
  06-10 14:49:47.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:217][  0]LogAndroid:   UsingHoudini: false
  06-10 14:49:47.238  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:238][  0]LogAndroid: Selected Device Profile: [Android_Adreno5xx]
  06-10 14:49:47.238  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:238][  0]LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [Android_Adreno5xx]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogHAL: Display: Platform has ~ 4 GB [3974156288 / 4294967296 / 4], which maps to Default [LargestMinGB=8, LargerMinGB=6, DefaultMinGB=4, SmallerMinGB=3, SmallestMinGB=0)
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DisjointTimerQueries:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile [Android_High]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MobileContentScaleFactor:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.239  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile [Android]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:239][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[slate.AbsoluteIndices:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Vulkan.DelayAcquireBackBuffer:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Vulkan.RobustBufferAccess:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Vulkan.DescriptorSetLayoutMode:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile []
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConsoleManager: Setting the console variable 'r.ShadowQuality' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByDeviceProfile'. Value remains '2'
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
  06-10 14:49:47.240  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:240][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConsoleManager: Setting the console variable 'r.DepthOfFieldQuality' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByDeviceProfile'. Value remains '1'
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConsoleManager: Setting the console variable 'r.BloomQuality' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByDeviceProfile'. Value remains '1'
  06-10 14:49:47.241  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:241][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConsoleManager: Setting the console variable 'r.LightShaftQuality' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByDeviceProfile'. Value remains '1'
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1        ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1          ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0       ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4                 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1    ; additive foreground scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2    ; additive background scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1      ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1         ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1                ; cheap slight out of focus]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0    ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1                ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.242  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:242][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConsoleManager: Setting the console variable 'r.RefractionQuality' with 'SetByScalability' was ignored as it is lower priority than the previous 'SetByDeviceProfile'. Value remains '1'
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Scalability.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.243  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:243][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup] File [../../../Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:246][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[p.chaos.AllowCreatePhysxBodies:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [../../../Virtuoso/Saved/Config/Android/Engine.ini]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AllowOcclusionQueries:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[Slate.CacheRenderData:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VSync:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParallelShadows:0]]
  06-10 14:49:47.247  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:247][  0]LogConfig: Setting CVar [[TaskGraph.EnablePowerSavingThreadPriorityReduction:1]]
  06-10 14:49:47.250  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:250][  0]LogInit: Memory total: Physical=3790.05MB (4GB approx) Available=2163.27MB PageSize=4.0KB
  06-10 14:49:47.267  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:267][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US).
  06-10 14:49:47.267  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:267][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US).
  06-10 14:49:47.268  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:268][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for 'en-US' exists, so the 'en' localization will be used.
  06-10 14:49:47.348  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:348][  0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created.  User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
  06-10 14:49:47.349  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:349][  0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered.  User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:351][  0]LogAndroid: VulkanRHI will NOT be used:
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:352][  0]LogAndroid:  ** Vulkan support is not available (Driver, RHI or shaders are missing, or disabled by cmdline, see above logging for details)
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:352][  0]LogAndroid: OpenGL ES will be used.
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : FPlatformOpenGLDevice:Init
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::InitSurface 0, 0
  06-10 14:49:47.352  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::CreateEGLSurface() Already initialized: 0xdf492c60
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglPresentationTimeANDROID Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglGetNextFrameIdANDROID Not Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglGetCompositorTimingANDROID Not Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglGetFrameTimestampsANDROID Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglQueryTimestampSupportedANDROID Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglGetCompositorTimingSupportedANDROID Not Present
  06-10 14:49:47.353  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:353][  0]LogRHI: Extension eglGetFrameTimestampsSupportedANDROID Not Present
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI: Initializing OpenGL RHI
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_VENDOR: Qualcomm
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_RENDERER: Adreno (TM) 540
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_VERSION: OpenGL ES 3.2 V@375.0 (GIT@b1f8328, I8a36212832) (Date:03/05/19)
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI: OpenGL Extensions:
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_EGL_image
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_EGL_image_external
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_EGL_sync
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_vertex_half_float
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_framebuffer_object
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_compression_astc
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_npot
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_read_format_bgra
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_3D
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_color_buffer_float
  06-10 14:49:47.354  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:354][  0]LogRHI:   GL_QCOM_alpha_test
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_depth24
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_depth_texture
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_sRGB
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_float
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_float_linear
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_half_float
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_format_sRGB_override
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_element_index_uint
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_copy_image
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_geometry_shader
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_tessellation_shader
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_stencil8
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_shader_io_blocks
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_shader_image_atomic
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_sample_variables
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture2
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_cube_map_array
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_gpu_shader5
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_robustness
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_buffer
  06-10 14:49:47.355  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:355][  0]LogRHI:   GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_sample_shading
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_get_program_binary
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_debug_label
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_ANDROID_extension_pack_es31a
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_standard_derivatives
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_vertex_array_object
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_debug
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_YUV_target
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_sRGB_write_control
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_norm16
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_surfaceless_context
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OVR_multiview
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OVR_multiview2
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_R8
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_no_error
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_debug_marker
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_buffer_storage
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_external_buffer
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_blit_framebuffer_params
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_clip_cull_distance
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_protected_textures
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_shader_non_constant_global_initializers
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_QCOM_texture_foveated
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent
  06-10 14:49:47.356  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:356][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_memory_object
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_memory_object_fd
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_EGL_image_array
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_blend_func_extended
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_clip_control
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_OES_texture_view
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_EXT_fragment_invocation_density
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: 32
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: 31
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: 256
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: 256
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI: Fragment shader lowp precision: 10
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI: Fragment shader mediump precision: 10
  06-10 14:49:47.357  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:357][  0]LogRHI: Fragment shader highp precision: 23
  06-10 14:49:47.358  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:358][  0]LogRHI: Support for 4x MSAA detected
  06-10 14:49:47.358  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:358][  0]LogRHI: Image external enabled: ImageExternalESSL300
  06-10 14:49:47.358  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:358][  0]LogRHI: Device supports mobile multi-view.
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 16384
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: 16384
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS: 2048
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: 16384
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 16
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS: 8
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_SAMPLES: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: 96
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: 32
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI:   GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT: 16
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI: OpenGL MajorVersion = 2, MinorVersion = 0, ShaderPlatform = GLSL_ES2, FeatureLevel = ES2
  06-10 14:49:47.359  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:359][  0]LogRHI: PLATFORM_ANDROID
  06-10 14:49:47.360  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:360][  0]LogRHI: Enabling program binary cache as /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.Virtuoso.Virtuoso/files/ProgramBinaryCache/GLSL_ES2_6DC596F377CA69BE485487D34C58C30086CF30DD
  06-10 14:49:47.360  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:360][  0]LogRHI: FOpenGLProgramBinaryCache will be initialized when ShaderPipelineCache opens its file
  06-10 14:49:47.371  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:371][  0]LogRendererCore: FGlobalReadBuffer::InitRHI
  06-10 14:49:47.373  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:373][  0]LogRendererCore: FGlobalReadBuffer::InitRHI
  06-10 14:49:47.373  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:373][  0]LogRendererCore: FGlobalReadBuffer::InitRHI
  06-10 14:49:47.380  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:380][  0]LogRHI: Texture pool is 1000 MB (of 0 MB total graphics mem)
  06-10 14:49:47.380  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:380][  0]LogRHI: Display: Testing for shader compiler compatibility
  06-10 14:49:47.384  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:384][  0]LogRHI: Display: Shaders compile fine no need to enable hacks
  06-10 14:49:47.384  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:384][  0]LogRHI: Display: Testing for round() function availability
  06-10 14:49:47.386  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:386][  0]LogRHI: Warning: Disabling the need for the round() function hack
  06-10 14:49:47.387  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:387][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Global and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.387  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:387][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Global_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.388  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:387][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Paper2D and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.388  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:388][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Paper2D_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.388  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:388][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Paper2D and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.388  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:388][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Paper2D_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.388  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:388][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: FullBodyIKPlugin and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.389  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:389][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: FullBodyIKPlugin_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.389  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:389][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: FullBodyIKPlugin and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.389  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:389][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: FullBodyIKPlugin_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.389  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:389][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: AnimationSharing and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.389  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:389][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: AnimationSharing_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.390  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:390][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: AnimationSharing and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.390  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:390][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: AnimationSharing_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.390  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:390][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.390  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:390][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.391  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.391  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: CryptoKeys_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.391  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.391  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.391  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:391][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: DatasmithContent_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:392][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:392][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:392][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:392][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: MediaCompositing_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.392  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:392][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: OculusVR and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.393  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:393][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: OculusVR_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.393  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:393][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: OculusVR and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.393  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:393][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: OculusVR_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.393  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:393][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SoundUtilities and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.394  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:393][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SoundUtilities_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.394  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:394][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SoundUtilities and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.394  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:394][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SoundUtilities_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.394  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:394][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SteamVR and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.394  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:394][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SteamVR_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.395  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:395][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SteamVR and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.395  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:395][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: SteamVR_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.395  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:395][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Synthesis and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.395  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:395][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Synthesis_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.395  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:395][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Synthesis and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.396  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:396][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Synthesis_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.396  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:396][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: WebBrowserWidget and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.396  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:396][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: WebBrowserWidget_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.396  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:396][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: WebBrowserWidget and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.396  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:396][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: WebBrowserWidget_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.397  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:397][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PTMTool and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.397  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:397][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PTMTool_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.397  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:397][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PTMTool and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.397  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:397][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: PTMTool_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.433  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:433][  0]LogMaterial: Verifying Global Shaders for GLSL_ES2
  06-10 14:49:47.464  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:464][  0]LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.4.12
  06-10 14:49:47.472  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:472][  0]LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
  06-10 14:49:47.920  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:920][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Virtuoso and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.920  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:920][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Virtuoso_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.920  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:920][  0]LogRHI: Display: Opened pipeline cache after state change and enqueued 8191 of 0 tasks for precompile.
  06-10 14:49:47.920  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:920][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Virtuoso and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:920][  0]LogShaderLibrary: Display: Failed to load Shared Shader Library: Virtuoso_SC and no native library supported.
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogRHI: Display: Opened pipeline cache after state change and enqueued 8191 of 0 tasks for precompile.
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogRHI: Display: Failed to open default shader pipeline cache for Virtuoso using shader platform 8.
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US).
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US).
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
  06-10 14:49:47.921  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
  06-10 14:49:47.922  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:921][  0]LogSlate: FontCache flush requested. Reason: Culture for localization was changed
  06-10 14:49:47.922  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:922][  0]LogSlate: FontCache flush requested. Reason: Culture for localization was changed
  06-10 14:49:47.922  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:922][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: Compacting localization data took   0.03ms
  06-10 14:49:47.957  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.47:957][  0]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0333 seconds to start up
  06-10 14:49:48.263  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.48:263][  0]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
  06-10 14:49:48.265  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.48:265][  0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 14 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.000362 seconds
  06-10 14:49:48.381  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.48:381][  0]LogNetVersion: Virtuoso 1.0.0, NetCL: 0, EngineNetVer: 10, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 1056535421)
  06-10 14:49:49.194  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:194][  0]LogMoviePlayer: Initializing movie player
  06-10 14:49:49.197  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:197][  0]LogTcpMessaging: Initializing TcpMessaging bridge, listening on
  06-10 14:49:49.217  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:217][  0]LogUdpMessaging: Initializing bridge on interface to multicast group
  06-10 14:49:49.244  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:244][  0]LogAndroidPermission: UAndroidPermissionCallbackProxy::GetInstance
  06-10 14:49:49.245  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:245][  0]LogOcInput: OculusInput pre-init called
  06-10 14:49:49.266  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:266][  0]LogUObjectArray: 42105 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  06-10 14:49:49.266  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:266][  0]LogUObjectArray: 2 objects are not in the root set, but can never be destroyed because they are in the DisregardForGC set.
  06-10 14:49:49.266  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:266][  0]LogUObjectAllocator: 4798900 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  06-10 14:49:49.266  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:266][  0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 42105/42105 objects in disregard for GC pool
  06-10 14:49:49.280  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:279][  0]LogAndroid: Display: Passed PreInit()
  06-10 14:49:49.283  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:283][  0]LogEngine: Initializing Engine...
  06-10 14:49:49.285  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:285][  0]LogHMD: Oculus plugin initialized. Version: 4.22.0-0+++UE4+Release-4.22, OVRPlugin: 1.32.0
  06-10 14:49:49.293  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:293][  0]LogStats: UGameplayTagsManager::InitializeManager -  0.004 s
  06-10 14:49:49.335  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:334][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial
  06-10 14:49:49.335  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:335][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 0 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.335  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:335][  0]LogEngine: ERROR: Failed to load special material 'ArrowMaterialName' from path '/Engine/EditorMaterials/GizmoMaterial.GizmoMaterial'. This will probably have bad consequences (depending on its use).
  06-10 14:49:49.401  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:401][  0]LogInit: Initializing FReadOnlyCVARCache
  06-10 14:49:49.402  4550  4566 D UE4     : [JAVA] audiomanager.framesPerBuffer = 192
  06-10 14:49:49.402  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:402][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Mixer Platform Settings:
  06-10 14:49:49.403  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:403][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Sample Rate:						  44100
  06-10 14:49:49.403  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:403][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Callback Buffer Frame Size Requested: 1152
  06-10 14:49:49.403  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:403][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Callback Buffer Frame Size To Use:	  1024
  06-10 14:49:49.403  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:403][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Number of buffers to queue:			  4
  06-10 14:49:49.403  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:403][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Max Channels (voices):				  0
  06-10 14:49:49.404  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:404][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: 	Number of Async Source Workers:		  0
  06-10 14:49:49.408  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:407][  0]LogAudioMixer: Display: Initializing audio mixer.
  06-10 14:49:49.408  4550  4566 D UE4     : [JAVA] audiomanager.optimalSampleRate = 48000
  06-10 14:49:49.421  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:421][  0]LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized.
  06-10 14:49:49.423  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:423][  0]LogNetVersion: Set ProjectVersion to Version Checksum will be recalculated on next use.
  06-10 14:49:49.436  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:436][  0]LogInit: Texture streaming: Enabled
  06-10 14:49:49.483  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:483][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/VREditor/Sounds/UI/Click_on_Button_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/VREditor/Sounds/UI/Click_on_Button_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.483  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:483][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.483  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:483][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_MainMenu
  06-10 14:49:49.483  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:483][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/StartSimulate_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/StartSimulate_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:484][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:484][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_MainMenu
  06-10 14:49:49.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:484][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/PossessPlayer_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/PossessPlayer_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:484][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:484][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_MainMenu
  06-10 14:49:49.544  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:544][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/EndPlayInEditor_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/EndPlayInEditor_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.545  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:545][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.545  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:545][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_Avatar
  06-10 14:49:49.698  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:698][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/VREditor/Sounds/VR_click1_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/VREditor/Sounds/VR_click1_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.698  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:698][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.698  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:698][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_LiveEvents
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorSounds/Notifications/CompileStart_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorSounds/Notifications/CompileStart_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_LiveEvents
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/EjectFromPlayer_Cue requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/EditorSounds/GamePreview/EjectFromPlayer_Cue
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.699  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:699][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/UMG/W_LiveEvents
  06-10 14:49:49.815  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:815][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Engine/VREditor/Devices/Vive/UE4_Logo requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Engine/VREditor/Devices/Vive/UE4_Logo
  06-10 14:49:49.815  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:815][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
  06-10 14:49:49.815  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.49:815][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/MenuBuilderCarousel/Materials/M_GlitchEffect
  06-10 14:49:50.205  4550  4624 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.50:205][  0]LogTcpMessaging: Started Connection to ''
  06-10 14:49:50.207  4550  4624 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.50:207][  0]LogTcpMessaging: Discovered node 'FA3E97BF47661F6D07CFF785C5D2225C' on connection ''...
  06-10 14:49:51.120  4550  4550 D UE4     : Creating console command broadcast listener
  06-10 14:49:51.120  4550  4567 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.51:120][  0]LogAndroid: Case APP_CMD_START
  06-10 14:49:51.120  4550  4567 D UE4     : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 9, 0, tid = 4567, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_START
  06-10 14:49:51.122  4550  4550 D UE4     : ==================================> Inside onStart function in GameActivity
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4567 D UE4     : Case APP_CMD_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4567 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.51:133][  0]LogAndroid: Case APP_CMD_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4567 D UE4     : LogAndroidEvents::EnqueueAppEvent : 7, 0, tid = 4567, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4550 D UE4     : onResume: start memory reporter runnable
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4550 D UE4     : === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
  06-10 14:49:51.133  4550  4550 D UE4     : ==============> [JAVA] AndroidThunkJava_KeepScreenOn(false) - Enabled screen saver
  06-10 14:49:51.134  4550  4550 D UE4     : Registering sensor listeners
  06-10 14:49:51.134  4550  4550 D UE4     : App is running in Landscape
  06-10 14:49:51.134  4550  4550 D UE4     : === Restoring Transparent Bars ===
  06-10 14:49:51.134  4550  4550 D UE4     : ==============> Resuming main init
  06-10 14:49:51.134  4550  4550 D UE4     : ==============> GameActive.onResume complete!
  06-10 14:49:52.407  4550  4568 D UE4     : Used memory: 652203
  06-10 14:49:52.656  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:656][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile eye_material with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:52.656  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:656][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/characters/materials/eyes/eye_material.eye_material: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:52.709  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:709][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile skin_body_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:52.709  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:709][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/characters/materials/skin/skin_body_mat.skin_body_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:52.715  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:715][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile skin_head_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:52.715  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.52:715][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/characters/materials/skin/skin_head_mat.skin_head_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.203  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:203][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_Torso with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.204  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:203][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_Torso.M_Torso: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.206  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:206][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_rightArm with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.206  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:206][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_rightArm.M_rightArm: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.429  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:429][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_Character_Hair with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.429  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:429][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Hair/M_Character_Hair.M_Character_Hair: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.472  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:472][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_Legs with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.472  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:472][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_Legs.M_Legs: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.476  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:476][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_LeftArm with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.476  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:476][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_LeftArm.M_LeftArm: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:484][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_Head with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.484  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:484][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_Head.M_Head: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.487  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:487][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile M_Hands with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.488  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:488][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Male_Mats/BodyParts/M_Hands.M_Hands: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.491  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:491][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile FemTorso_Mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.492  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:492][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Female_Mats/FemTorso_Mat.FemTorso_Mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.496  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:496][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile FemRightArm_Mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.496  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:496][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Female_Mats/FemRightArm_Mat.FemRightArm_Mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.503  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:502][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile FemLegs_Mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.503  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:503][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Female_Mats/FemLegs_Mat.FemLegs_Mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.506  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:506][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile FemLeftArm_Mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.506  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:506][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Female_Mats/FemLeftArm_Mat.FemLeftArm_Mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.510  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:510][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile FemHead_Mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.510  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:510][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/CharacterDesigner/Materials/Female_Mats/FemHead_Mat.FemHead_Mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.534  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:534][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile hair_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.534  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:534][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/hair/materials/hair_mat.hair_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.542  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:542][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile sneakers01_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.542  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:542][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/apparel/female/footwear_sneaker01/sneakers01_mat.sneakers01_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.546  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:546][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile sneakers02_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.546  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:546][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/apparel/female/footwear_sneaker02/sneakers02_mat.sneakers02_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.550  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:550][  0]LogMaterial: Can't compile jeans_mat with cooked content, will use default material instead
  06-10 14:49:54.550  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:550][  0]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Virtuoso/character_customizer/apparel/female/lowerbody_jeans/jeans_mat.jeans_mat: Failed to compile Material for platform GLSL_ES2, Default Material will be used in game.
  06-10 14:49:54.828  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:828][  0]LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
  06-10 14:49:54.830  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:830][  0]LogInit: Display: Game Engine Initialized.
  06-10 14:49:54.831  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:831][  0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.
  06-10 14:49:54.831  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:831][  0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/Maps/VirtuosoMainMenu?Name=Player
  06-10 14:49:54.832  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:831][  0]LogHMD: Initializing OVRPlugin session
  06-10 14:49:54.887  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:887][  0]LogHMD: OculusHMD plugin supports multiview!
  06-10 14:49:54.985  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.54:985][  0]LogLoadingSplash: Loading texture for splash VirtuosoUE4-Cover-Horizontal...
  06-10 14:49:55.013  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:013][  0]LogLoadingSplash: ...Success.
  06-10 14:49:55.016  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:016][  0]LogSerialization: Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../Virtuoso/Content/UI/Icon/VirtuosoUE4-Cover-Horizontal.uasset
  06-10 14:49:55.020  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:020][  0]LogHMD: FSplash::OnShow
  06-10 14:49:55.021  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:021][  0]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/Maps/VirtuosoMainMenu?Name=Player
  06-10 14:49:55.033  4550  4595 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:033][  0]LogRHI: Using OpenGL program LRU cache: 0
  06-10 14:49:55.096  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:096][  0]LogAudio: Warning: Waited 70.653488ms for audio thread.
  06-10 14:49:55.102  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:102][  0]LogAudio: Warning: Waited 76.426880ms for audio thread.
  06-10 14:49:55.209  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.55:208][  0]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took   5.28ms
  06-10 14:49:56.561  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:561][  0]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world VirtuosoMainMenu
  06-10 14:49:56.562  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:562][  0]LogLoad: Game class is 'Lobby_C'
  06-10 14:49:56.719  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:719][  0]LogSkinnedMeshComp: Warning: GetSocketByName(hand_r): No SkeletalMesh for Component(CharacterMesh0) Actor(ModularVirtuosoAvatar_434)
  06-10 14:49:56.719  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:719][  0]LogSkinnedMeshComp: Warning: GetSocketByName(hand_r): No SkeletalMesh for Component(CharacterMesh0) Actor(ModularVirtuosoAvatar_434)
  06-10 14:49:56.719  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:719][  0]LogSkinnedMeshComp: Warning: GetSocketByName(hand_r): No SkeletalMesh for Component(CharacterMesh0) Actor(ModularVirtuosoAvatar_434)
  06-10 14:49:56.722  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:722][  0]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/VirtuosoMainMenu.VirtuosoMainMenu up for play (max tick rate 0) at 2019.06.10-14.49.56
  06-10 14:49:56.725  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:725][  0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created.  User Index 8, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.726  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:725][  0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered.  User Index 8, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.732  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:732][  0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created.  User Index 9, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.732  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:732][  0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered.  User Index 9, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.732  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:732][  0]LogSlate: New Slate User Created.  User Index 10, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.732  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:732][  0]LogSlate: Slate User Registered.  User Index 10, Is Virtual User: 1
  06-10 14:49:56.737  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:737][  0]LogSkinnedMeshComp: Warning: GetSocketByName(hand_r): No SkeletalMesh for Component(CharacterMesh0) Actor(ModularVirtuosoAvatar_434)
  06-10 14:49:56.738  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:738][  0]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.173816
  06-10 14:49:56.740  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:740][  0]LogOnline: Verbose: OSS: [OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay].bEnabled is not set, defaulting to true
  06-10 14:49:56.740  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:740][  0]LogOnline: Verbose: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: GooglePlay
  06-10 14:49:56.740  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:740][  0]LogOnline: Warning: OSS: FOnlineSubsystemGooglePlayModule was disabled
  06-10 14:49:56.742  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:742][  0]LogGameMode: FindPlayerStart: PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating
  06-10 14:49:56.742  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:742][  0]LogSpawn: Warning: SpawnActor failed because no class was specified
  06-10 14:49:56.743  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:743][  0]LogVoiceCapture: Warning: VoiceModuleAndroid Init
  06-10 14:49:56.743  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:743][  0]LogAndroidPermission: UAndroidPermissionFunctionLibrary::CheckPermission android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO (Android)
  06-10 14:49:56.746  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:746][  0]LogVoiceCapture: Warning: ANDROID PERMISSION: RECORD_AUDIO is not granted.
  06-10 14:49:56.746  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:746][  0]LogVoiceCapture: Warning: Trying to free unknown voice object
  06-10 14:49:56.746  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:746][  0]LogVoiceEncode: Display: EncoderVersion: libopus unknown-fixed
  06-10 14:49:56.749  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:749][  0]LogVoice: Warning: Voice capture initialization failed!
  06-10 14:49:56.749  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:749][  0]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  06-10 14:49:56.749  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:749][  0]LogGameState: Match State Changed from EnteringMap to WaitingToStart
  06-10 14:49:56.749  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:749][  0]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  06-10 14:49:56.751  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:751][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class WBP_PointAndClick_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.784  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:784][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_Login_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.788  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:788][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_Home_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.790  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:790][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_LiveEvents_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.798  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:798][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_Avatar_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.804  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:804][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_Settings_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.851  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:851][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class W_PopUpSaveSettings_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.853  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:853][  0]LogEngine: Onscreen warnings/messages are now DISABLED
  06-10 14:49:56.876  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:876][  0]LogEngine: Onscreen warnings/messages are now DISABLED
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:877][  0]LogVaRest: Request (json): POST /mmogetserver.php
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : JSON(
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : {
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : }
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : )JSON
  06-10 14:49:56.877  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:877][  0]LogVaRest: ProcessRequest(350): Request (urlencoded): GET https://central.virtuoso.productions/datafeed/avatars/ (check bExtendedLog for additional data)
  06-10 14:49:56.878  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:878][  0]LogUMG: Display: Widget Class GameHUD_C - Loaded Fast Template.
  06-10 14:49:56.879  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:879][  0]LogGameState: Match State Changed from WaitingToStart to InProgress
  06-10 14:49:56.880  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:880][  0]LogHMD: FSplash::OnHide
  06-10 14:49:56.880  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:880][  0]LogLoad: Took 1.858959 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/VirtuosoMainMenu)
  06-10 14:49:56.885  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.56:885][  0]LogAndroid: Mobile HDR: no
  06-10 14:49:56.889  4550  4597 D UE4     : *** JavaEnvDestructor: 4597
  06-10 14:49:57.022  4550  4595 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::ResetDisplay()
  06-10 14:49:57.023  4550  4595 D UE4     : *** JavaEnvDestructor: 4595
  06-10 14:49:57.032  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:032][  0]LogAndroid: Passed GEngineLoop.Init()
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 9, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_START
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 7, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 6, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_PAUSE
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 12, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_SAVE_STATE
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 8, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_STOP
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 9, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_START
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 7, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 6, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_PAUSE
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:035][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 0, 3671238664, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_CREATED
  06-10 14:49:57.035  4550  4566 D UE4     : APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_CREATED 0, 0, 0, 0
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: ExecWindowCreated
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::ReInitWindow()
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::ReInit()
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::ResetDisplay()
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::InitSurface 0, 0
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : AndroidEGL::CreateEGLSurface() Already initialized: 0xdf492c60
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : ExecWindowCreated, 0, 1, 0
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 12, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_SAVE_STATE
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 8, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_STOP
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 11, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 9, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_START
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogAndroidEvents: Display: LogAndroidEvents::DequeueAppEvent : 7, 0, APP_EVENT_STATE_ON_RESUME
  06-10 14:49:57.036  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:036][  0]LogTemp: Android resume audio
  06-10 14:49:57.039  4550  4566 D UE4     : Registering volume receiver
  06-10 14:49:57.042  4550  4566 D UE4     : startVolumeReceiver: 7
  06-10 14:49:57.042  4550  4566 D UE4     : nativeVolumeEvent(7)
  06-10 14:49:57.043  4550  4566 D UE4     : Registering battery receiver
  06-10 14:49:57.046  4550  4566 D UE4     : Registering headset receiver
  06-10 14:49:57.046  4550  4550 D UE4     : Battery: status = 2, rawlevel = 100, scale = 100
  06-10 14:49:57.046  4550  4550 D UE4     : nativeBatteryEvent(stat = 2, lvl = 100  temp = 36.00 °C)
  06-10 14:49:57.047  4550  4566 D UE4     : startHeadsetReceiver: 0
  06-10 14:49:57.047  4550  4566 D UE4     : nativeHeadsetEvent(0)
  06-10 14:49:57.047  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:047][  0]LogCore: Display: AppLifetime: Application has entered foreground
  06-10 14:49:57.048  4550  4566 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:048][  0]LogAndroid: Display: Low Power Mode Changed: 0
  06-10 14:49:57.080  4550  4608 D UE4     : *** JavaEnvDestructor: 4608
  06-10 14:49:57.102  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:102][  0]LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 2880x1600 Format 2 NumSamples 1 (Frame:1).
  06-10 14:49:57.140  4550  4740 D UE4     : Assertion failed: Views.Num() == 2 [File:D:\Virtuoso2019\Engine422\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 1522]
  06-10 14:49:57.140  4550  4740 D UE4     :
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]Assertion failed: Views.Num() == 2 [File:D:\Virtuoso2019\Engine422\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 1522]
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     :
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: === Critical error: ===
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: Assertion failed: Views.Num() == 2 [File:D:\Virtuoso2019\Engine422\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 1522]
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C78ACF24 (0x00000000061DCF24) libUE4.so!FHierarchicalStaticMeshSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements(TArray<FSceneView const*, FDefaultAllocator> const&, FSceneViewFamily const&, unsigned int, FMeshElementCollector&) const  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C6ABAA18 (0x00000000053EAA18) libUE4.so!FSceneRenderer::GatherDynamicMeshElements(TArray<FViewInfo, FDefaultAllocator>&, FScene const*, FSceneViewFamily const&, FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer&, FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer&, FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer&, TArray<unsigned char, TMemStackAllocator<0u> > const&, TArray<unsigned char, TMemStackAllocator<0u> > const&, TArray<unsigned char, TMemStackAllocator<0u> > const&, FMeshElementCollector&)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C6AC941C (0x00000000053F941C) libUE4.so!FSceneRenderer::ComputeViewVisibility(FRHICommandListImmediate&, FExclusiveDepthStencil::Type, TArray<FViewCommands, TInlineAllocator<4u, FDefaultAllocator> >&, FGlobalDynamicIndexBuffer&, FGlobalDynamicVertexBuffer&, FGlobalDynamicReadBuffer&)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C67CB384 (0x00000000050FB384) libUE4.so!FMobileSceneRenderer::InitViews(FRHICommandListImmediate&)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C67CC344 (0x00000000050FC344) libUE4.so!FMobileSceneRenderer::Render(FRHICommandListImmediate&)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C6AF4F14 (0x0000000005424F14) libUE4.so![Unknown]()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C6AF6E40 (0x0000000005426E40) libUE4.so![Unknown]()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C52F130C (0x0000000003C2130C) libUE4.so!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int, bool)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C52EFD70 (0x0000000003C1FD70) libUE4.so!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C6456640 (0x0000000004D86640) libUE4.so!RenderingThreadMain(FEvent*)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C64A1BFC (0x0000000004DD1BFC) libUE4.so!FRenderingThread::Run()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C5373964 (0x0000000003CA3964) libUE4.so!FRunnableThreadPThread::Run()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000C52EB5C0 (0x0000000003C1B5C0) libUE4.so!FRunnableThreadPThread::_ThreadProc(void*)  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000E742D8D4 (0x00000000000478D4) libc.so![Unknown]()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error: [Callstack] 0x00000000E73FFFE6 (0x0000000000019FE6) libc.so![Unknown]()  []
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.141  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:141][  0]LogAndroid: Error:
  06-10 14:49:57.148  4550  4740 D UE4     : [2019.06.10-21.49.57:148][  0]LogAndroid: FAndroidMisc::RequestExit(1)
Took 0.1615699s to run adb.exe, ExitCode=0
Running: D:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 1PASH9BF7X9144 logcat -d
Took 0.1605703s to run adb.exe, ExitCode=0
********** RUN COMMAND COMPLETED **********
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=0 (Success)

Found my issue.

It literally was what the log said. Instanced Static Mesh error.

I learned this was through foliage. I deleted my foliage on my main menu background world and it worked. Unsure what the error was with the foliage though.