Oculus audio plug-in still non-functional in 4.12 Preview

This bug originated in 4.11 and has been covered here:

The solution presented in that question was to wait for 4.12 where the latest version of the Oculus audio plug-in will be in place. I’ve just tried 4.12 Preview 4 (from the launcher) with a brand new project, and am still getting the initialization failed message, the same as with 4.11. Here is the relevant part from the output log:

LogInit: XAudio2 using 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
LogAudio:Error: Oculus Audio SDK Error - Failed to initialize OVR Audio system: Unknown Error
LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized.

Writing up this new bug report for 4.12 in the hopes that this issue gets fixed by release. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello ,

I see that this is the same issue as the one that you linked in your post. You will need to provide any updates to this issue on the original thread and we will be happy to assist you further. Please refrain from creating duplicate threads. I will be closing this thread as a duplicate for tracking purposes.

Make it a great day