Oculus and Unreal4 : Anything changed in last few months?

Hi N8128,

Very informative - thank you very much!

Could I ask you to also share your settings for non-VR games? Thanks.

Yep that seems like the answer, leave VSync On or alone because Oculus will handle it, I’ll change my advice above, this really seems like a more plausible good advice. If I’m not mistaken they spin until the last moment before the frame buffer gets read and then apply timewarp with the latest positional information, playing with Vsync would effect those timings and make them very unpredictable.

Edit: since the original post I’ve been able to confirm this. (Oculus SDK 4.4, CAPI_FrameTimeManager.cpp, CAPI_DistortionRenderer.cpp …).

No problem, glad I could help. Here are my non-VR settings. Please note that you may get better results for your game if you play around with these. For example dynamic shadows are a bit a question mark, depending on if your lights or objects are set to cast them. Also I had a reason to disable motion blur, because it gave me some artefacts that took me 3 hours to pin down to motion blur, I was just too sure that I was doing something wrong. And I’ve build the visual style with eye adaptation in mind from the start, be careful, because those nights (if you have night time) can get really bright :slight_smile: if you’re not ready. And I really wanted to keep refraction quality at least 1, because of the water and my menus, those materials rely on refraction. Anyway you can just try and see what happens and go from there :slight_smile:


r.ScreenPercentage 100
sg.ShadowQuality 3
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 4
sg.PostProcessQuality 3
sg.EffectsQuality 3
sg.TextureQuality 3
showFlag.DynamicShadows 1
r.DetailMode 2
r.MaxAnisotropy 8
r.SSR.Quality 4
r.RefractionQuality 2
showFlag.GlobalIllumination 1
r.SeparateTranslucency 1
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 2


r.ScreenPercentage 85
sg.ShadowQuality 3
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 3
sg.PostProcessQuality 3
sg.EffectsQuality 3
sg.TextureQuality 2
showFlag.DynamicShadows 1
r.DetailMode 2
r.MaxAnisotropy 4
r.SSR.Quality 3
r.RefractionQuality 2
showFlag.GlobalIllumination 1
r.SeparateTranslucency 1
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 2


r.ScreenPercentage 75
sg.ShadowQuality 2
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 2
sg.PostProcessQuality 2
sg.EffectsQuality 2
sg.TextureQuality 2
showFlag.DynamicShadows 0
r.DetailMode 1
r.MaxAnisotropy 2
r.SSR.Quality 2
r.RefractionQuality 1
showFlag.GlobalIllumination 1
r.SeparateTranslucency 0
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 1

Low Normal

r.ScreenPercentage 75
sg.ShadowQuality 1
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 2
sg.PostProcessQuality 1
sg.EffectsQuality 1
sg.TextureQuality 1
showFlag.DynamicShadows 0
r.DetailMode 1
r.MaxAnisotropy 0
r.SSR.Quality 1
r.RefractionQuality 1
showFlag.GlobalIllumination 0
r.SeparateTranslucency 0
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 1


r.ScreenPercentage 70
sg.ShadowQuality 0
sg.AntiAliasingQuality 2
sg.PostProcessQuality 0
sg.EffectsQuality 0
sg.TextureQuality 0
showFlag.DynamicShadows 0
r.DetailMode 0
r.MaxAnisotropy 0
r.SSR.Quality 1
r.RefractionQuality 1
showFlag.GlobalIllumination 0
r.SeparateTranslucency 0
r.MotionBlurQuality 0
r.EyeAdaptationQuality 1

Edit: another thing! Screen percentage, might be a good idea for a separate option or menu, I do currently threat most default settings as “this should work on an average system at max screen resolution” and adjust other values relative to the normalized/default option. Currently I have F keys (F1…F10) mapped directly to screen percentage so any advanced user can set them to any value rounded to ten (10% - 100%) by just pressing F9 (90%) for example.

In your last edit, one more quick thing I would recommend in addition to that. I would allow user to go up to at least a ScreenPercentage of 130 for those gtx 980 users like myself. It makes a pretty massive difference in clarity if your system can handle it. I usually have no issues at 130 on some pretty graphically intense scenes while maintaining 75fps… I just read that Showdown was at 130. This is a nice option to have but may not be realistic for many.

Thank you for that information. I will definitely enable that as I’m adding a horizontal option to the menus that will make settings like these much more pleasant to adjust. I’ve also edited my first post and added this advice.

Cool sounds good, and thanks for this writeup btw… lots of useful things in there. (I actually found this linked via reddit on r/oculus)

No problem, thank you for cross checking me. I did not know about the links on reddit, that probably explains the sudden view count rise.

All great information but I’m really not someone who wants to play with a tonne of commands that I’m tinkering with constantly for every project. Even today, I was trying to import an art asset into a scene for the first time in ages and remembered that right off the bat with a blank canvas Unreal4 adds a tonne of bloom/light/reflection and all sorts of cool fx but I wish it just started with the bare basics and let you add these FX if you need them. I was talking with someone else about this today, even with VR, Unreal4 seems to have this desire to give you everything and make it optimal right off the bat and then you have to figure out how to strip it back. I think it’s just a preference thing but I prefer to work from the ground up.

There’s a pretty quick and easy way to get rid of almost all of these effects. Go to the Learn section of the Epic Games Launcher, scroll to the bottom and download the Couch Knights demo. Create a project with it and find the PostProcessVolume in the level. If you copy paste that to your scene, anything inside it will be basically optimized for VR. At least for post processing effects.