Hi there, previously on this map I had ocean going under the landscape created above it which was intended for this map. Somehow the ocean underneath this particular landmass was seemingly deleted and I’m not knowledgeable enough to restore it. The ocean collision is still there for the underground boat section, but all visual elements to it are gone entirely. Is there a way to easily re-extend the bounds of the ocean to cover this area of the map? Thanks!
First image is how it appears inside the terrain, second is an outer view of the terrain.
Edit: This last image is how it appears when I take the camera below the water’s surface. It’s showing the water is still here but does not do so from above in game or in UEFN.
I do have that box unticked yeah. I haven’t added any bodies of water to the map and am using one of the provided templates that I edited landscape for.
From the bit of digging around on the forums I did here it looks like another person had a similar issue but it went unresolved. I suppose I can probably just add a new body of water under the cave as a solution but it’s bizarre the water vanished underneath all of the map’s landmass spontaneously between UEFN sessions.
Sometimes it’s UEFN editor, I’ve had one loadup, where the ocean stopped at the edges of my land, I can’t remember what I did exactly but I changed some value like Ocean Extents or something and it went back to normal.
Sorry I’m a bit of a nooby, but I’ve played with it some.
Looking at your pictures and the two maroon outlined boxes, you have box, at the outer ocean extents, but you also have the inner box, which usually defines the bounds of the ocean inner spline circle.
The ocean waterbody has an area in the middle of it that does not have water defined by closed curve splines, however it will still look like water if you go to the centre of the waterless bit and go below “sea level”.
Anyway the inner box looks way to large for your needs as it covers your whole landmass, which tells me this is the extents of your waterless bit.
How is your inner spline looking ?,
Is it a closed curve ?, have you put it in a spot that will not effect your underground area ?. Maybe its conflicting with the underground volume (hope not) ?
Maybe (I don’t really know if it would be better) using a lake waterbody instead would suit your needs because there is only an outer edge and no waterless hole in the middle, the only problem would be if you can’t set it’s waves to suit an ocean.
Ocean Extents didn’t seem to fix anything. I actually had to revert it as it broke it further.
The ocean I have currently is what came with the map template. I have no idea how to create a new one or what the splines do. Unfortunately I have no idea what changed between uses of UEFN as I’ve never played with these options before. If easier I would be down to create a new body of water just under that island but I’m not sure how haha
When you select your Ocean, zoom out a bit, can you see the white circlish line in the centre, it has maybe 3 or more little white squares on it, with the transform tool on one of those, that’s the ocean spline. Can you post a pic of it ?