Occulsion Bug | FIXED

I am starting this topic to focus the UE dev attention on this issue in the engine.
Issue: Some Skeletal meshes has bounds Scale Issues, and UE4 can’t detect these issue in SK meshes, but later the engine behaves not normal. For example if a hair mesh has the occulsion issue, the camera will remove the hair mesh while you look up or down, and the mesh restores when you look straight.

Fix in Blueprint: Take the mesh and call the SetBoundsScale node under the constructor and the target should be the mesh with ucculsion problem and the scale should be 30 or any you will comfort with.

Fix in C++: The Fix in C++ is very efficient , just look at the solution code and you will figure it out.

void AMyCharacter::InitSkeletalMesh() // InitSkeletalMesh is a function in which you will fix the bug, call this function under constructor from child blueprint character class.
	if (::IsValid(SKM_Hair))//hair mesh is the mesh with occulsion problem
		SKM_Hair->UPrimitiveComponent::SetBoundsScale(100.000000); // we set the bounds scale for the mesh

Post your own solution if you think you have another very fine solution for this issue.