Obtaining AActor Bounds composed of InstancedStaticMesh components

I have several composite static objects in the scene, and I use InstancedStaticMesh within the actors placed. However, I am having trouble obtaining bounding boxes of said actors.

Approximate code:

Actor* actor = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(AActor::StaticClass(), GetTransform());

for (UStaticMesh* mesh : mesh_list) {

UInstancedStaticMeshComponent* mesh_component = NewObject<UInstancedStaticMeshComponent>(actor);

FVector actor_origin;
FVector actor_extent;
GetActorBounds(false, actor_origin, actor_extent);

Both actor_origin and actor_extent return zeros while calling FBoxSphereBounds on each of those instanced mesh components yield correct bounds. Even before applying transform, should actor_extent reflect the union bounding box of all InstancedStaticMesh components?