I created a new world selecting a blank project which gives me default landscape, lighting etc. I can create and save files like blueprints, blend spaces etc but I any changes I add to the world scene itself does not seem to save. I select “Save all” and everything seems to save correctly, but next time I start up the project the world is back to it’s original form. I tried running the editor as administrator, and I do not have another instance of UE running as some online solutions suggest. If I right click any new actors I add and select “Save selected actor(s)” I get error “The following assets failed to save correctly:
/Temp/ExternalActors/Untitled_1/0/RD/QM3D1LMS5NTX6WR7Q9VWZK”. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Is this some sort of permissions issue where it can’t save to location?
Hey there @shrabster92! Welcome to the community! There is an issue present in 5.0 forward that doesn’t save changes to internal engine maps or some of the defaults. Before you start working next time around, create a new map and work from that. Does it still fail?