Hello. There is a problem. after building the project for android, objects flicker on the stage, an example with a test project is at the link: Flicker objects UE4 - YouTube The problem manifests itself even on default rendering settings. It is also noticed that the problem does not manifest itself on all devices. Who faced the problem and solved it, i need your help
It is worth adding that when the camera approaches the objects, the flickering stops
could the problem be related to the texture packaging format? previously, for this android device, I collected projects in the ETC1 format, the engine version 4.27 does not support this format, so I have to collect in the ETC2 format
I experience the same issue, tried changing to forward renderer, disabling post-processes etc. - nothing seems to solve it. I packaged the project for Android (ASTC)
Thank you for your reply! as a result, did the assembly in ASTC help solve your problem?
No, i’ve tested both ASTC and ETC2 now, same result. I first thought it’s only foliage as it was mainly flickering on trees but i noticed it also does this on actors i placed in the game world.
It really helped, thank you very much!!! However, most likely this is not a solution to the problem, but a workaround, because there were no problems with the default settings on the engine version 4.24, besides, an increase in the range of scene processing will certainly affect the final performance. But you pointed in the right direction, your help is invaluable!!! thank you again!
This is also indicated by the fact that this problem is not detected on all android devices, of the 4 devices involved in testing, the problem was only on one
Thank you for continuing to participate in the topic! Yes, I know this tool and it would be good if I knew all the specific devices or GPUs that reproduce this problem) The project that is being worked on is planned to be placed on the Play Market and distributed to a wide audience…