I’m creating a scene in my 3D app with objects placed is specific areas. When I bring these into UE4, it works fine. I just have to make sure that the location for each object is at world center, so everything aligns.
A couple of questions:
When I go into the object editor to work with collision, etc., the objects are a mile away (because of the offset from the pivot I’m assuming.) So the F key doesn’t work here.
I have to drag my mouse forever to get to the object. Is there some other type of command to frame the object in the view and ignore the pivot location?
I’m assuming you add your objects from the browser by dragging them into the view window, but this always places them randomly, requiring a reset of the location.
Is there some other way to add objects to the scene and have them just show up where they’re supposed to, at 0,0,0?
It is indeed because of the offset from the pivot. I think it is happening because you import your scene as a whole, therefor setting each of your meshes pivot point to world origin 0 of your 3D applicaiton. Unreal doesn’t care about the pivot point you have set, it will always be 0,0,0. This means, that you need to set each of your objects pivot in your 3D app and then 0 the object. I don’t think that there is a way to import a scene as a whole and keep the original pivot of the objects, but someone might be more clever than me.