Hello! I am having a very strange problem that I haven’t seen anywhere else and cannot figure out. I have a Blueprint CombatCharacter for npc enemies, and a CombatPlayer child blueprint that inherits from the combatcharacter, that is the pawn class. These blueprints are from a combat system I got from the marketplace and have not had any problems with before. As shown here, the Combatcharacter has a skeletal mesh base and another skeletal mesh child that I am using the retargeter to retarget to a custom mesh.
However, when the player spawns I get a null reference for the original skeletal mesh, and it is not shown in the outliner as shown here, circled is the component that is missing in the player BP.
The strange part is that the skeletal mesh is not showing in outliner, gets a null reference, but is VISIBLE AND ANIMATED in game, as shown above.
Has anyone encountered something like this before/ has advice on how I can troubleshoot this? There is nothing in either blueprint that deletes the skeletal mesh or anything.