Hello, I’m trying to make a marble maze, however when I used the default 1m radius ball, it would be thrown in the air to much when I rotated the floor, but now when its scaled to the right size, its to small to show any detail in the ball and if I get too close to the ball you cant see anything on the sides, and if its too far you cant see the detail.
You can stick with your 1m radius ball, I think you will just have to adjust your MassInKG / MassScale in the Physics panel
Do you use ComplexAsSimpleCollision on your maze mesh? You can also override the gravity of your level in the WorldSettings (OverrideWorldGravity, e.g. -3000) and you could use PhysicalMaterial for your marble and the maze. There you can adjust the factor Restitution (lower=less bounces) or your Friction.
The maze mesh is just a default cube stretched out to more of a flat plane so the collisions are the same. I had overridden the gravity but that doesn’t seem to work properly. However, I dont really know how to use the physical material but I dont understand why I have to go through all of this as I feel putting the weight to a ridiculous number should do the trick but I guess not.
Ive just tried both however the marble still gets thrown around as if its made of paper.
Would this help you? It is a MarbleMaze example
Kind of. What you have is the point Im at, however as you move the mouse when the ball is near one of the edges and turn the floor to the opposite direction, it throws the ball in the air quite high and its time to come down seems too slow.
Then, in my project, set the MassScale of the marble to 50 and the Gravity in the world to -2500 and test if this is more like what you want.
No change.
MarbleMaze.mkv - Google Drive does it look like this?
Correct. I would just like it so that I can change how affected it is from the maze.