Object Rotation

So I am trying to rotate an object when I press the “B” button, so whenever I do that the input doesn’t seem to be able to work on that object and only on the player any idea how to make it work?

Hello Thank You for your reply, I have tried this solution but it didn’t work I will send you my blueprint if you could check it out and tell me what’s wrong

Note: this is for debugging purposes not the real thing I am just trying to see if it rotates a bit or not.

  • are you using B for input anywhere else?
  • how many actors like this are there in the scene?
  • place a Print String node after B - does it print when you mash the key?
  • No I am not using B anywhere else
  • I am using the default scene still its a new project
  • No when I try a print string it doesn’t print

What are the chances you never clicked in the scene after running the project so the window simply has no focus?

I am using the default scene still its a new project

What does it mean? The script is inside an actor, surely.

But I can move normally with the player, wouldn’t that cause a problem if it wasn’t in focus mode?

Yes, Yes it is

You can test it in a clean project. That’s all it takes to process input. Enable input in the actor, place it in the world, mash buttons.