Object reference do not change?

When i try to make macro or function with input values for object class, it wont change object reference in outputs. Is it normal? How to solve this?


Get actor node return Static mesh actor reference

Macro or function node with Get actor node returns ACTOR OBJECT reference.

Macro inputs and outputs was plugged FROM get actor node without editing.

Yes. It would not make sense any other way.

Solve what exactly? Get Actor of Class does not know upfront what you’re going to pipe in, it cannot return anything else but the base actor class. This is true for all class dropdowns, think about it:

If I attempt to spawn 3 different classes, but only the 1st one has the function I need to call… this concept would not work.

Perhaps what you need is an Interface. It does not care much about type.

So u telling is that violet filter dropdown wont work this way or what?