Object Outline Material/Shader


whenever you select an Actor or StaticMesh inside the editor, the engine puts an orange outline at the edge of the selected object.
I want to recreate this effect as a Material so I can apply this effect to whatever object I want (of course the object requires a static or skeletal mesh) but sadly I have no idea how to do that. Does anyone have an idea?

I tried something using a fresnel but it’s far from the enginge’s outline effect.

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Do a search for outline - selection - unreal engine you should find at least 3 tutorials that you can review. Most I have reviewed use the post process volume to paint the material around the object. So if you aren’t that familiar with those actors you might want to do a quick review of how to place it and change the options.

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It’s a post process effect


I was hoping to NOT do it via post processing. Otherwise I would have not made this post, I am already fully aware of those tutorials.

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That was me, not @Vexar.

What’s wrong with PP?

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I might be mistaken but telling from what I have seen so far it looks like it’s less flexible and less controlable compared to materials.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot about the jittering effect you get when using PP. Thats not so nice.

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I’m pretty sure it’s how the editor does it…


Is there a way of flipping normals and drawing those flipped normals onto the mesh using a material?

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Not that I know of, but there’s a lot of stuff in 5 to do with procedural meshes and editor automation etc. Maybe something there…

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Looks like this is the best way to do it when using materials and not wanting the jitter effect that might appear using post processing volumes.

It could be truly nice from unreal engine to have built-in things like outline (also VR compatible)

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