Object no longer visible after a certain distance. What to do?

I have built a The Floor is Lava Map. I have the problem that the lava is no longer visible if I am too far away from it.

I make the lava move with a sequence.
Is there any way to make it permanently visible?
I have included the lava area in the HLOD.

The Is spatially loaded setting in the prop deals with this normally, there is also a never distance cull setting in the staticmeshcomponent. Not sure if the sequencer overrides these or has any related settings

I think the sequence overwrites it since I also turned on cull.
Do you have any other option that you know of that might work?

Have you tried turning on Level Sequence Actor Always Relevant in the Cinematic Sequence Device, its description in the docs is a little funny to my nooby eyes, but after reading it three times it looks like it could help.

Yes, everything is set as it should be. However, for whatever reason it is not working… :frowning: