Hi guys, didnt know exactly where to ask this but here i go.
Im having a problem trying to work with pickups. Specifically a drop item.
I pickup an item, then i have a key to drop it. It drops on the ground, i simulate physics and enable collision to make it look good when it hits ground, and after that i switch it back disabling physics and collision. The problem is, when i go to pick it up again, the character actually picksitup but the mesh isnt attached to the character as it should.
I can tell that the character picked the item because if i equip that item, the character do the animation correctly (it is supossed to not do any animation if the item is checked as invalid) and i know that the item is the one i droped because if i drop that new “invisible” item i picked, it correctly spawns again and the original one on the ground issapear. so its like if it is not attaching the item correctly in the character, and instead it is just on the ground for some reason.
The problem as i said is that i cant see that item being attached to the character. Instead i see the original one i dropped still on the ground when it should be attached. But i know its really not there because i cant interact with it or do anything of the short.
Now, if i dont enable physics simulation and all that stuff, eveything works perfect. I can drop the item, and pick it up again and everything works nicely.
So why is this happening when i activate the physics on the item? im really lost. I could just do it in a cheap weay just spawning the item on a certain position and thats about it. But that will present a lot of problems when the ground is not plain…
So, if anyone have any ideas about this…