Object desapearing at distance

Hello everyone, I know this question is always repeated, but the issue is that no one single answer all the situations.
I do Arch Viz and is very common for my project to be quite far from the main building to get a ‘Site view’ I have a long list of CMD to ‘fix’ this issue but I still can have a solid solution.
I wish Epic created a button to unlock everything it doesn’t matter performance I just need the thing to show up.
Your help is appreciated.
I will post the commands I have tried but still the problem persist, for example Bushes, grass and trees disappearing when the camera moves far away.

r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0
r.ForceLOD 0
foliage.ForceLOD 0

To prevent objects from disappearing at a distance in Unreal Engine, try adjusting the foliage culling distance settings in the foliage tool and the LOD bias in the object settings. Also, use ‘r.ViewDistanceScale’ to increase the overall view distance and ‘foliage.LODDistanceFactor’ to force higher LODs at greater distances. Ensure that the ‘r.ForceLOD’ and ‘foliage.ForceLOD’ are set to 0 for all foliage assets to maintain visibility at any range.

You’ll want to increase max draw distance from what it sounds like