Object can't be deleted


I created a cone BSP that I had on the top of my tower, not sure what happened, but now although I can click on it, it can’t be deleted. I also don’t see it in the scene outliner.


Have you already rebuilt the geometry? -> you can do that under the building tab

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Hi ,

Are you able to reproduce this in a new level/map that is created within that project, a new project, or multiple times within the level/map you are currently working on? If so, can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?

I saw a user post this same thing the other day with BSP stairs but they were using the vertex snapping plug-in that’s available through GitHub.

If you’re not able to reproduce it would you be willing to send the .umap or project file with the BSP that you created for me to look at? (you can do this by uploading to a site like dropbox and having the folder in a .zip file)

Thank you!

I’ve only been able to do it the once, not even sure how it happened. I will upload tonight. Thanks!

Ok, hopefully I did this right. I went to file export all. Then I uploaded the .obj file to dropbox



This wont help :slight_smile: You will have to upload your map file (umap file) -> Project Folder-Content-Map

Hey man I had the same experience this week and it made me very frustrated when I made a Sphere BSP Brush and I couldn’t delete it, the best way I found to delete the BSP Brush to go to list on the right top of the screen if you’re layout is default, that displays the names of all the object in your list, search for it there and delete it manually that should be able to solve the problem.

Unfortunately it wont work for him :frowning:

" I also don’t see it in the scene outliner."

Hi ,

is right. I will need the .umap that has the offending BSP in it if we are to proceed. Thank you for being prompt with the other upload though! :slight_smile:

Hi Crash,

Do you have any suggestions on how to reproduce the BSP not being able to be deleted, or did it only happen the once for you?

Thank you!

Ok, let’s try this again then



Hi ,

Thanks for uploading the map!

I had another post yesterday in the Engine source section where a user was having a similar issue. I was able to reproduce this bug a couple of times but could not do so every time.

The only way I found to delete the object was to find the offending object (in this case ‘Cone_Brush’) and right-click > edit > delete.

This will remove it from the scene.

If you are able to reproduce this every time I’d be curious of what your repro steps are.

Mine thus far have been:
Create a brush (seems to be anything not box or sphere for me)
adjust settings in the details panel
Build geometry
Exit editor and reopen

This will sometimes cause the brush to break in this way. I can’t get it to happen every time though. If you or anyone else has a more concise way to make it happen repeatedly I’d be glad to hear!

Thank you!

Hello I have the same problem but me i can’t delete any item. Help me please.