Si j’exporte en GLB, mon modèle est propre.
Mais en OBJ, pas du tout…
Avez-vous une explication ?

Never used Reality Capture, but my guess would be that looks like a precision issue on vertices position.

I saw there is some decimal precision in the doc RealityCapture Help

Are you using georeferenced models? If so, are the coordinates too high? Then this could be a results of showing some models with high coordinate’s values. In that case you need to reduce the coordinates to show the models correctly.

Oui je suis georeferencé. Peux tu mexpliquer ce que tu veux dire. Quel est le flux de travail ?

What are the values of the coordinates? If above (maybe) 100 000, the distance from the coordinate system origin is too far and the models are deformed. This can be solved by reducing the coordinates or set this reduction during exporting.
For example you can use Shifted project output option, which is same as Project output, just moved to the center of a reconstruction:
or Scene transformation using Move for X, Y and Z with your values:
Like reduce 532 645.12 to 645.12.
Did you have the same export settings for both formats?

Je ne comprends pas ce que vous me dîtes :
ou la transformation de scène en utilisant Déplacer pour X, Y et Z avec vos valeurs : comme réduire 532 645,12 à 645,12

It was just an example. I don’t know what are the values of your coordinates, but I assume they are over 100 000 for X or Y.
So, basically you need to reduce this value to be closer to the coordinate system’s origin.
So, if the X coordinate is 532 645,12 m you need to Move X with value -532 000
to get the coordinate 645.12 m. In that case the model will be readable correctly.
But it is possible, this is not your case, as GLB export is good.

So, what are your coordinates for the model and have you used the same settings for model exports?
When you will import the model into CloudCompare, are you asked for coordinate values reduction?