Oauth Implementation

As anyone gotten an Oauth implementation working in Unreal Engine 4?

I am about to go down this route for my Game Flow system and just wanted to know if it has been done.

finally you do something?

I am using oAuth in a Plugin I wrote. What I did was create a custom widget that extends the browser. Then I listen to the URL onChange and look for a token, params, etc…
I submitted this plugin to the MarketPlace, but we know that will take months. Sellfy: https://sellfy.com/p/K4RA/

I am trying to implement this as well I created a class that inherits from UWebBrowserand I implemented virtual const FText GetPaletteCategory() so I can use it in a blueprint. But I can’t find anything to be notified when the URL changes so I can grab that change. Can you let me know what I need to override to be notified of URL changes so I can get this to work? Thanks.