Тo animation in sequencer

Hi! I have a Spline in my scene with a cylinder inside it. I need to stretch the Spline so that the cylinder stretches along with it. When I change the Start Tangent under the Outliner, everything works perfectly, but when I set keyframes in the Sequencer with these changes, nothing happens.

What could be the problem, and how can I fix it? Thanks!

In this case, the spline mesh component doesn’t update when the start tangent is changed because it isn’t calling the correct update function internally.

You can work around this by adding an event repeater track that calls UpdateMesh for each frame. You’ll want to set the start/end range of the event repeater section to only the range that you animate those values. You also need to check Call In Editor to see it update in the editor.

Here’s the docs on the event repeater track: