Nvidia WaveWorks integration help

hi i need to know what should i download in game works to get a scene like they show in the demo scene of Nvidia WaveWorks

Also i want to know i have 3 versions of visual community installed. vs 2013,2015 & 2017. Is it necessary to have all.

It’s not necessary to have all three (in fact, it can lead to more problems), so I’d stick with just 2017.

As for WaveWorks, you can get the modified engine source here: https://github.com/NvPhysX/UnrealEngine/tree/WaveWorks_4.17

And if you can’t get to that you’ll have to go here to sign up for a developer account: https://developer.nvidia.com/

thanks for your reply i m uninstalling the 2 versions and I like to know how to get WaveWorks n unreal engine, compiled successfully .Should i compile unreal engine first and then get the waveworks branch compiled or Do i have to compile only waveworks branch from github

The WaveWorks branch *is *the Unreal Engine with all of the necessary modifications made. If you don’t have your own custom engine code, then you can just use that as your starting point.

thanks let me try,will revert if any problem

thanks its compiled successfully,but there was a problem which got solved by adding the line seen here


Also i please need to know what this means
After compiling finishes, you can load the editor from Visual Studio by setting your startup project to UE4 and pressing F5 to debug.